I was going through a heritage pamphlet about my father's ancestors, written by my Uncle and Aunt. I found this picture of my Grand Aunt, Caroline. My GrandFather called her beautiful, but her story was so tragic. It just fits into a valentine's page about my Great Grandparents and Caroline.
Foundation: I placed a ArtPlay Palette Lavaliere Solid Paper 5 for the background (more of an Artsy paper with color and textures than a solid paper). I used various palette brushes, overlays and transfers, along with Artsy Transfers Lavaliere 2 to complete my foundation.
Photos: I clipped my Caroline picture to a brushed mask created with ArtsyPaint No. 12_3 which I revised with various brushes to fit my photo.
I used ArtPlay Palette Lavaliere Frame 2 locket with my great grandparent’s pictures clipped to the masks.
Cluster: I placed MultiMedia LockKey No.1_3 under the frame, turning off the paddock. I intertwined the key into the string. I placed a revised version of the ArtPlay Palette Lavaliere Buds in the middle of the frame. I moved the threads above the frame, adding Button Threadz No.1_1. I moved the heart button to the bottom of the string and added Button Threadz No.1_2.
WordART: I placed the palette Word Paper Strip “forever and always” below the heart. Finally, I added the SecretWord ARTMix No.1_BeadedThreadz “Love”.