
Art Journaling ~ Document Your Thoughts

SusiePArt Journal & Hybrid, Blog, Challenges, Layouts

We are happy to be back! oScraps was doing a bit of updating on the servers so we had to take a break from posting. They’re all done, and we’re back to posting! We’ll start up with connecting the art journal challenges for May next week!

Art journaling is a great way to document your thoughts and emotions in word and with artistic flair. Sometimes we can’t put into words what we are feeling or thinking, so art journaling is a perfect way to get those feelings out. Sometimes you have a feeling that you can’t express, but some how a kit speaks to you and you can choose a color or an image that represents what you feel!

I started art journaling at a different site than oScraps, so I don’t have those to show you, but I do have a few in my gallery that started with the emotion, and the act of choosing pieces and colors to add to my blank canvas helped the words to come. They actually did help me identify some feelings and what they were actually coming from.

Here are two of my pages where I started out with a feeling but had no idea how to express it:


Crafty Button Designs | Rachel Jefferies The Struggle is Real: Self Esteem collab
Crafty Button Designs | Old Soul
Crafty Button Designs | Rise Up
Crafty Button Designs | Darkest before the Dawn

Rachel Jefferies | Right Now
Rachel Jefferies | This is Me
Rachel Jefferies | Trust in This
Rachel Jefferies | All in my Head
Rachel Jefferies | Give Yourself Permission
Rachel Jefferies | We Are Shifting

I started with the sadness of the fact that my family has somewhat splintered and the realization hit me that part of the reason was that my Mom was the glue, and when she died, the communication I thought we had wasn’t really there. She was facilitating it. Finally the thought came STITCHES, and that started the process!

Here’s another one from my Childhood. I had shared an experience with a friend that I had that brought up some really sad and angry emotions. She told me to art journal it. I am an emotional eater and I told her I was feeling like eating. She said, “That wasn’t fair to you” and I put that as a large word art. Then it started to flow. I worked through the feelings with the dark art pieces and finally realized my anger was at my Mom for not protecting me.


Crafty Button Design | Black Water
Crafty Button Design | Stressed Out
Connection Keeping | Mom’s Mental Health
Rachel Jefferies | Disconnected Collage Papers
Vicki Robinson Design | Yesterday

Do you have some feelings you want to scrap? Art journaling is a great way to do it!!

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