
Posts in the Blog Category

Cheery-O Favorites ~ July 19th – July 25th


Hello everyone from my laptop in Wyoming on a vacation! I can’t stay away from ya’ll!!! Here are five new layouts to drool over. Our Cheery-O’s have found some great gems to share with you today!!! Selected by Jeanne (aka JeanneMN ) Focus by Erin2 This one spoke to me because I’ve been in it…

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Cheery-O Favorites June 12th ~ 18th



Welcome to a new week of “Cheery-O Favorites”! These are some of the layouts that have wowed the Cheery-O’s this week as well as a little bit about why they chose them. Each week we will feature 5 of the many layouts we see every day in the gallery. (This week, we happen to have…

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It’s Color Play Wednesday!



Hello lovely scrappers! Cheryl here to bring you another Color Play Wednesday. Before I show you the layouts that I’ll be featuring today, let’s take a look again at our June Color Play Palette. Aren’t these colors just luscious? Our designers really outdid themselves with this month’s color palette. If you’d like to see the…

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Art Journaling ~ Where is Your Courage?


What does courage mean? Courage is the quality of being ready and willing to face negative situations involving danger or pain. A close synonym is bravery. Showing courage is often thought of as facing such situations without fear, but it also involves facing them despite fear. Some common synonyms of courage are mettle, resolution, spirit,…

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Tic-Tac-Toe Challenge

Sharon BertolinoBlog, ,

I love a good Tic Tac Toe challenge and Kay (@BrightEyes) has a very interesting one this month. I love the choices! The variety of layouts is amazing! Kay created this beautiful summer/4th layout. This is an amazing composition! @scrap-genie created this lovely layout about a safe haven for birds. You have to love a…

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Cheery-O Favorites ~ July 4 – July 11, 2024



Welcome to this week’s “Cheery-o Favorites”! These are some of the layouts that have wowed the Cheery-O’s this week. Each week we will feature 5 of the many we see each day!! Selected by Ona (aka wombat146)Mom in the Summer by cfile Absolutely love everything about this page from Christa! The colour palette evokes a…

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It’s Color Play Wednesday!

CherylBlog, Color Play

Welcome to Wednesday Color Play! Cheryl here to share our June Color Play Palette as well as some beautiful layouts that were created using Color Play products. Before I start, I have a new blog header and I used some papers and elements from mixed media by erin. Here’s the beautiful June Color Palette that…

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