
Word Art Challenge at the O

Sharon BertolinoBlog

Check out the word art challenge at the O. This month @Anke55 want you to create a word art or a quote and make it into a bit of art. The layouts are amazing and it looks like it would be fun and creative to try. I love word art!

This layout by @Anke55 combines a quote within one of the letters and it is adorable!

This layout by @TrishD uses different fonts and sizes to create the word art

This one amazes me and I wish I could recreate this because it is amazing. This is from @faerywings

@Joansmor created this cute fish layout and word art. It is so cute!

@tillyakye created this and I love this word art. It is amazing how she integrated the quote into the word art! Wouldn’t this be a great tutorial?

I hope you check out this challenge and try it out. The gallery will give you plenty of inspiration!

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