
Tip: Warping shadows in Photoshop CS

Scrappie IreneTips & Techniques

One thing I really love about Photoshop CS is the possibility to warp things. It’s a function I really miss in Photoshop Elements. For the ones of you who are working with CS I want to show how you can warp a shadow.

I will show it on a smaller piece of paper behind my photo. I started with giving it a standard shadow.

Now we have to create a seperate layer from this shadow. Right click on Effects and choose Create layer.

When you’ve done that you will see that the shadow is a seperate layer now.

Now comes the fun part! Hit Ctrl+T and then right click. Choose Warp.

A square will be visible now, it’s defided in equal smaller squares. Now you can start pulling parts of the shadow in and out. I made the corners a bit longer but the middle part of the sides are pulled in a bit. Hit enter when you are done.

Now you can go a little bit further by also warping the piece of paper.

You see how easy it is to get more depth and realism on your layout with this technique!


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