
Quick Tip – fun word art journaling

VickiSTips & Techniques

Happy day!

Sally here with a quick tip about journaling!

Have you ever bought a collab kit from Oscraps (well, of course you have!!!) and seen all of the AMA.ZING word art and wondered how to use it??? well, here’s a quick technique that I used to both journal and to use that wonderful word art…

for example…

Have you seen the latest collab kit from Oscraps this month?

dandeliOn days

{You can grab this kit right here!!}

So, what I did was I grabbed ALL of the word art, and I placed it on my page, leaving a spot in the left hand corner for a frame, picture and some funĀ elements!
…and here’s my LO…

I just love these collab kits…and I love word art…

a perfect combination for a quick fun LO!!

Can’t wait to see what you do with our collab kits and that fabulous word art!!

Happy scrapbooking!!