
It’s Color Play Wednesday!

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Hello lovely scrappers! Cheryl here to bring you the beautiful August Color Play Collection! I can hardly wait to show you this month’s Color Play palette, so here it is in all it’s glory!

I told you it was a beauty! Once again, our wonderful designers took their inspiration from this palette and worked their magic with their August Color Play Collections! You can see the entire August 2024 Collection right here.

Do I ever have some beautiful layouts to show you today, as well! These are inspired by various Color Play Collections and I can’t wait to get started, so let’s do that right now.

Our first featured layout, Summer Songs by wombat146, is very nostalgic.

Next, we have this very artsy page, Smile, by Melscrap.

Next, we have the very dynamic Zebra Pad by Nickel.

Next, we have this very unique layout by AJM, Return.

Next, we have this collage inspired layout by *sylvia* ~ Limit.

Next, we have Eli by bkasko.

Aren’t these layouts just wonderful??? Would you like a few more? I know you would.

Here’s Second Summer by Brighteyes.

Last, but nt least, is Cadillac Ranch by AZK.

This has been so exciting to bring you these August Color Play Inspired layouts! I wish I had room for twice this many. You don’t have to be a Cheery-O to have your layouts featured on the blog. All you have to do is upload your current monthly Color Play Inspired layout to the Color Play Gallery. Then, save them to the current month’s “Share Your Layouts With Us” which you can find in the “What’s Happening Around The O” Forum.

That’s it for me this week, but join me right here next Wednesday and in the meantime, may your life be filled with color.


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