
It’s Color Play Wednesday!

CherylBlog, ,

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Hello Scrappers! Cheryl here with your Wednesday Color Play blog post. The August Color Play collection will be released tomorrow (Thursday) night, but here’s the July palette again.

If you’d like to see the entire Color Play lineup for July, here’s the link. Let’s get started with the featured Color Play inspired layouts for today.

First up is this double plage layout by Vickyday 6-2 Spread.

Next up is Track 03 Gelsenkirchen by Madi.

Next, we have Happy by *sylvia*.

Next, we have Atmosphere by Marijke.

I’m going to wrap this week up with A Time To Remember by Kay.

I’ll see you next Wednesday with the new August Color Play palette and you’re going to love it, as always! Remember, anyone can be published here – you don’t have to be a Cheery-O to have your layout possibly chosen. Any member of Oscraps can upload their current month’s Color Play inspired layout in the Color Play Gallery. Then move your layout over to the What’s What’s Happening Around The O forum and look for the current month’s “Come Share Your Layouts” (The wording may be a little different, but you’ll find it.)

Until next time, may your life be filled with color.


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