
It’s Color Play Wednesday!

CherylBlog, Color Play, Layouts


Hello lovely scrappers! I’m going to start my post a little differently this week. We have had lots of new members here at The O and we’re thrilled that they have chosen us as their new “scrapping home”. I thought I’d go into a little more detail this week about what Color Play is.

Each month our designers come together and work with a single palette of gorgeous colors to bring you a virtual smorgasbord of digital scrapbooking packs and collections.  New Color Play products are released on the last Friday of the month.” So, that’s the definition of what Color Play is and each week, I feature the palette which includes an inspiration picture and the colors for the current month. Here’s the palette for April:

So, how do I choose the featured layouts for my blog posts every week? What do you need to do? It’s simple; just create a layout or any other project, using any of the Color Play collections for the current month. Upload your project to the Oscraps Gallery under the “Color Play Category”. Here’s the link.

Next, link your layout to the thread that will read (something like) April Color Play is Here which you can always find in the Forum “What’s New At The O“. The title for the previous link will obviously change each month. We have the May Color Play which will be releasing at the end of this month, for instance. I chose the Featured Projects from the “Color Play is Here” thread, so you have to post in that thread and make sure it links back to the Gallery. If you still need help, you can find it in “Need Help With Our Site?“, then click on “Uploading Your Layout to a Challenge Gallery & Linking to the Challenge Forum Video Tutorial” Okay, let’s get this party started.

My first Featured Layout is Lavender and Lace by Marijke.

My next Featured Layout is Lilac Dreams by Kay.

My next Featured Layout is Stop by *sylvia*.

My last Featured Layout for this week is Lilacs by Vicky Day.

How lovely are all of these Featured Layouts? They truly represent the April Color Play palette. I hope I’ve explained the process by which they are chosen and also just exactly what Color Play is. We get pretty excited about it around here, especially when we’re anticipating the roll out of a new month.

Until next Wednesday, may your life be filled with color.



  • Great explanation and just love the layouts you chose Cheryl, they are each very unique and beautiful. It is amazing just how many different layouts can be created with products using the same colour combo! ♥

  • KelBarros says:

    Beautiful colors we have here, I loved it!

  • You are made of awesome, Cheryl! Wonderful description of what Color Play is and what you do <3

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