
**Winner Announced** Summer Days Challenge @ Joanne Brisebois Designs!!


Well-Known Member
Here is mine.. Not happy with it, but have played WAY too long... this is the 3rd totally different version ... I think it is the photo... Not inspiring me in the slightest.... Just a page that needed to be done...

You have created a stunningly vibrant, artistic page!


Well-Known Member
This is the second page which I was promised. This time I'm used the freebie (thank you for it) and continue to play with photo masking and blending effects.


Well-Known Member
Congratulations to NettieBee- you have won the $10 coupon to my shoppe (via your PM box)!

Thank you to everyone for sharing your summer adventures with us! Your beautiful pages have truly kept me inspired this entire month while working on my scrap July project. Please check your PM boxes for your participant coupon. :)


Well-Known Member
Oh my...I am thrilled beyond words and I thank you Joanne, especially for your generosity. I love your products—great tools! Things can be simple or puzzled out to be more complex. Always interesting and a lot of fun! Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Oh my...I am thrilled beyond words and I thank you Joanne, especially for your generosity. I love your products—great tools! Things can be simple or puzzled out to be more complex. Always interesting and a lot of fun! Thanks!

You are so kind - thank YOU for your amazing pages!