
Who are you? Forum Nickname-Name

Oldenmeade = Anne. In case you're wondering, the name Oldenmeade comes from our sweet Old English Sheepdog, Buffy. Her official breeding name was Angel Lady of Oldenmeade. She died many years ago now, and using the avatar of Oldenmeade is my way of remembering her every day.
DoggiNo = Katja (or vice versa LOL)

My nick is my name translated from Dutch to English and then "reversed" ...

Kat ja > Cat yes > Dog no > to make it sound better DoggiNo :)
DoggiNo = Katja (or vice versa LOL)

My nick is my name translated from Dutch to English and then "reversed" ...

Kat ja > Cat yes > Dog no > to make it sound better DoggiNo :)

Never thought it like this, very clever !
I'm Rae aka bcgal00. I'm a gal living in BC Canada and I added two zeros to my name bc way back when I first got on the internet that name wasn't available without adding the zeros.
Bagheertje = Patricia
My dog was named Bagheera, but my daughter called her Bagheertje (meaning little Bagheera in dutch) :wink:
Well, my username says it all. I am Nancy Pohl and go by NancyP. Figured I would keep it easy peasy!!!
First time I ever noticed this thread, so here is my explanation. My forum name here and everywhere else except FB is nightshadow...because...I've been known to prowl around the Internet until the very wee hours of the morning, sometimes until dawn. I'm not really a day person but the world forces me to be one more than I like.

My real name is Elaina (notice that the last letter is an "A" not an "E") and it's pronounced like Elena. You can see it in my siggy if you have those visible... and now you know the rest of the story.

I go by my nickname Cinna (pronounced like cinnamon without the mon ;D ) but my real name is Carina.
Guess I missed this thread. It is fun to put a name to the avatar and forum name!

I have to admit that when I first started I didn't even think about being creative with my forum name so I am either ptabbert or patsyt around digiland. And my name is Patsy (not a shortened version of Patricia.)
hi! this is my first post @ Oscrap :) I am Joelle...I am ct for my QUEEN of illustration, Lori, and followed her here to this great place :cheer2:
Hi Joelle!
Pop over to the Intro Forum so you will get a proper Oscraps welcOme (if you haven't already!) Happy that you are here, and Lorie too :)
krumz - I have no idea how this came to be a forum name I use other than the "k & z" are the first initials of my first and last name. Hey all - Kathy is my name.