Do you ever have nightmares? Or nice dreams?
Sometimes I dream the craziest things that do not exist or cannot exist at all.
I remember a dream that there was an iguana on the roof with us wearing a fluorescent vest. The children laughed about it.
This week, I dreamed that I was being held hostage and really beaten. Fortunately it was just a dream.
As a child I always dreamed that I had to go to the toilet at school and that there were no doors in it!
Or that they were chasing me, and then because I couldn't run fast enough, I always started swimming in the air !?
What do you dream of?
Sometimes I dream the craziest things that do not exist or cannot exist at all.
I remember a dream that there was an iguana on the roof with us wearing a fluorescent vest. The children laughed about it.
This week, I dreamed that I was being held hostage and really beaten. Fortunately it was just a dream.
As a child I always dreamed that I had to go to the toilet at school and that there were no doors in it!
Or that they were chasing me, and then because I couldn't run fast enough, I always started swimming in the air !?
What do you dream of?