I finally finished my Kindle First Reads
My Favorite Terrible Thing. I say finally because I read at the gym while on the elliptical but it wasn't one where I came home and just had to keep reading while I had my coffee. It started out fine, but about 2/3 of the way through it took a bizarre twist which just got more bizarre the farther it went. I was glad when I was done and won't be looking for more of hers.
@Cherylndesigns I really enjoy Kindle Unlimited too. I've found some good series there. Unfortunately John Sandford isn't in there, but I will treat myself to his newest ones when they come out. The librarian in me felt guilty for awhile that I was reading on my Kindle especially since I'm 6 blocks from the library, but they don't always have all the books in a series and I have to read them in order and if they need to order one in from another library there's usually a waiting list for it. The last time I read a 'real' book I found myself pressing on the page to get the definition of the word LOL.