
What a day!

Scrappie Irene

Well-Known Member
Sometimes you have those days.
This morning I scrapped a layout about the motorbike accident my husband had in 2008 and I posted it in the gallery with a quote by Mother Teresa.
Just after posting we went to the city on our bicycles. And guess what happened in front of my eyes. A van didn't saw my husband and he crahsed against him! My husband fell and his bicycle had a broken wheel and forefork (hope it's spelled right). He couldn't ride on it anymore.
Fortunately my husband only has some light extra pain than he normally has all day (because of the 2008 accident), so it looks like the damage is only material.
The stupid part was that we were on our way to the bike shop to let us inform about an electrical bike for him (I already got one).
Now we bought one right away, already as birthday present. Our parents already told how much they would contribute on the bike last week, because they knew we were looking for one.
But I found out that the quote on my page is so true!
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Well-Known Member
WOOWOWOW!!! IRENE!!! maybe he should get checked by the DR...just to be sure...sometimes you can have something wrong inside your body you don't know about in accidents like this!!!! I HOPE HE IS OKAY and I can't believe this has happened twice now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lots of :hug: for you both!!!

Congrats on the new bike though!! I hope he enjoys it!!! EARLY birthday wishes to him too!


Well-Known Member
oh, NO!! Irene, i hope everything is OK now. it's always so dangerous being on the road with cars, if you're a cyclist! i'm off to see you page in the gallery.


Well-Known Member
big hugs Irene, how eerie for it to happen just today after you posted that layout. Get him in a warm bath if you can, his muscles will be aching so much later on.
Better luck with the new bike..can the man who caused the colission today pay part of that?


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
My goodness what a day you both have had already!! I sure hope that your Hubby is ok, but I agree with Linda, perhaps he should be checked out by the Dr. anyway? Hope he enjoys his new bike!!! Hope you stop shaking soon, its must have been a horrifying experience for you both!!

Scrappie Irene

Well-Known Member
big hugs Irene, how eerie for it to happen just today after you posted that layout. Get him in a warm bath if you can, his muscles will be aching so much later on.
Better luck with the new bike..can the man who caused the colission today pay part of that?

We got an invoice of the reparing costs and we can send it to the van driver. I have his information and of his work (owner of the van).


Well-Known Member
oh you are lucky in your misfortune....
I have the same question : did he saw a doctor today ???

Scrappie Irene

Well-Known Member
No, he didn't went to the doctor. He feels alright but we will certainly go if we don't trust it or his situation changes.
The car was driving slow, so my husband only fell and the car wasn't driving over him or something like that, just slowly against him.
I will write a letter to the work of the van driver, because their insurance has to pay and I will say that besides the material damage we also keep them responsible for injuries and medical costs.
My husband always has pain because of the 2008 accident, so he is on heavy pain medication since then. He now feels a bit of pain in his legs, but it's not really terrible. He can walk normal.


Oh, Irene! I'm so sorry. I stopped riding my road bike on roads where motorized vehicles are present, several years ago. Fear made me always uncomfortable doing it...and both my husband and son have had very serious bicycle injuries, so I am sympathizing with you. I hope he will go to the doctor.

Scrappie Irene

Well-Known Member
I ride my bike every day when I go to work, but here in the Netherlands we have very good bike roads.
But today we went to the center of our town, and the bike road crosses a bigger crosspoint of roads. Our light was green but also from the car who turned right passing out bike road. He must have seen us both, but he was unfamiliar there and didn't know the cars and bikes have green light at the same time there.

We made a little tour to my parents this evening and everything seems normal with my husband.


Well-Known Member
Man Irene!! I can't believe the luck you had!! I'm so glad that you are all right and your husband is all right.

I hope things stay on the lucky side of unlucky for you.


The Loopy-O
How absolutely terrifying!
I am glad that he is ok, but like the rest of the ladies, if he starts to feel worse, make him see his doctor!


ONA - Administrator
oooh that sent a shiver down my back Irene!!! how unreal, to scrap the first accident and then to be involved in another!!! so glad to hear that he is okay but I would still be going to the doctors now, just so they give him a check all over to make sure everything is still okay. great news about the new bike though! :)


Well-Known Member
Always best to get him checked out as you don't know if he has any internal injuries. Horrible thing to happen. That's one reason why I won't let my son cycle to school. Roads in UK aren't suited for cyclists, less so for boys!

Scrappie Irene

Well-Known Member
Thanks girls!

Well, I asked him again if he wanted to see the doctor, but he think it isn't necessary. He really feels ok and doesn't have extra pain besides the pain he normally has everyday.
I wrote a letter to the company of the car and hold them responsible if any injuries occur in the next weeks. But we both don't expect that.
Today my husband will have an acupuncture treatment like he has once a week since a year. She also is psysiotherapist and she is giving massages. I know she also will examine him a bit.