
Welcome Ju Kneipp to the Ozone!


Well-Known Member

Welcome to Juliana Kneipp, the newest designer to move into the Ozone!
Check out her Store: http://bit.ly/Ju-Store
Learn More About Her Here: http://bit.ly/Ju-oblog
See Some of Her Designs In Action: https://ozone.oscraps.com/gallery/showgallery.php?cat=1326

You can also find her here on:
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/JulianaKneipp
Twitter: http://twitter.com/jkneipp
Her Blog: http://bit.ly/Ju-blog
Her Website: http://www.jukneipp.com/
You can even....
See her design portfolio in action: http://bit.ly/Ju-designs
and sign up for her newsletter: http://bit.ly/Ju-News

And of course, don't forget to leave some love in this thread, to welcome her to Oscraps!
http://bit.ly/Ju-Welcome2 (Comments start after post 38)

You can even get to know her more, at a "meet our designer" chat,
set for 10 p.m. EST, Saturday, April 9.
Who knows what might be in store for those who attend....it's going to be awesome!

Before You Go....It's a Contest
Everyone who posts here, a welcome note to Ju, will be entered into a drawing.
One random winner will receive a code, good for the kit of their choice from Ju's store.

Everyone MUST enter BEFORE the start of the chat on Saturday, April 9.

One last thing...
Do you tweet? We'd love for you to "tweet and twitter" about Ju's arrival at the O.
Here's a couple of sample tweets you can use to get you started...

Tweet for The Chatter Thread:
Welcome Juliana Kneipp, a new designer at @oscraps. Swing by the forum http://bit.ly/Ju-Welcome2 to help welcome her to the team!

Tweet For the Oscraps Blog
Want to learn more about Juliana Kneipp, a new designer at @Oscraps. Check it out here http://bit.ly/Ju-oblog

Tweet For Ju's Store!
Wahoo! Juliana Kneipp is a new designer at @Oscraps. Check her out here http://bit.ly/Ju-Store

Tweet for the New Designer Chat:
Save The Date: It's a new designer chat with Juliana Kneipp, at @oscraps. 10 p.m. EST 04/09 http://bit.ly/Ju-Chat
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ONA - Administrator
heheh!!! well you will have to wait a little bit longer!!! but its worth it cause its AWESOME!!!!! :biggrin:


Well-Known Member
Oh, I'm dying to know... it's April 4th here in Australia already, so you could just tell us now and put us out of our misery.. ;)


lOve the O!
I guess I will have to wait until I get home from work- unless I check my tablet at lunch-hmmmmm


Cupcake Ninja
It's 8 hrs past April 4th right now - what's the news?!?! I'm worse than a kid when it comes to patience :)


Cupcake Ninja
You are killing me Sue!!

You know what happens when you do things like this - they need to be as good as the hype!!


Cupcake Ninja
I'm so excited!!

Oh crap! Now I'm singing that song in my head!!!

OK so I am in the "international" arena at work, I know for a fact that it is April 4th everywhere in the world now so ......


Well-Known Member
I promise it's coming soon.... waiting for a couple of things to be "turned on" and then I can post it all.....

But hey....think of it as the night before your birthday......the present will be worth it!


always chatty at the O!!
Oh, there are plenty of people who don't know...they just sit in anticipation quietly I think. But I can tell you, we will be having a chat this weekend to celebrate this announcement. Whoohoo!! I love chats.


Well-Known Member
I scrolled straight to page 3 thinking someone has let the cat out of the bag by now but no , no such luck and it's nearly April 5th here.

come on lets see what's brewing



Well-Known Member
Please forgive me. I needed to start this thread to format the blog and other announcements, and well, I'm still waiting for Ms. Vicki to get home from jury duty to "flip" a switch or two, to make a couple of things live...

Don't you love when real life gets in the way of your online world.


Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
Don't you love when real life gets in the way of your online world.

:hurt: K! Too true. :bored:

I guess this means I'll have to do all those other boring jobs I've been steadfastly ignoring today, like :washing: and cleaning the :emptybath: . Perhaps if I went and made the :hungry: and had a :partywinethen the news would be up.


I lOve Me Some O!
There is a little hint around the shop. I noticed it this morning. Just a baby hint though.

AHHH The suspense!!


Cupcake Ninja
the charity collab?!? that's new I think but there are some other goodies I hadn't seen also!

It always costs me money looking over on that side :)


edited to take out secret!!
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