
Welcome design duo Lynne and Cheryl aka Art Addicts!


Welcome design duo Art Addicts to the Oscraps family of designers!

Please check out their gorgeous designs >>


Get to know Art Addicts:

Hi, I’m Lynne Anzelc, and I have been a designer here at Oscraps for 15 years. I am a story teller. From early on in design, I created products that allow my customers to design their own stories. As an avid reader since early childhood, escaping into worlds of adventure, history and fantasy, I lived vicariously through those stories. It opened my world. So I thought, why not create kits that allow YOUR world to unfold.

And then I met Cheryl, and our art exploded. Completely different styles that meshed beautifully. From elves and animals frolicking in the snow to grandma’s cozy cottage where love and comfort take us down memory lane. We explore real and fantasy worlds so you can create stories for every occasion, or design a card, or simply to create art. Our goal is to enable creativity, and to have FUN. We are Art Addicts!

Hi, my name is Cheryl Budden. As a child, my mind would often drift into a world of daydreams, where I would create the most incredible fantasy stories. Over the years, I have combined this creativity with my passion for digital art, bringing these stories to life through imagery. Turning my hobby into a business has been a fantastic journey.

I was born and raised in the bustling streets of London and spent my twenties in Essex. For the past three decades, I have called the rural countryside of Norfolk, UK, my home. Surrounded by nature and the beauty of the English landscape, I find endless inspiration to fuel my imagination.

SAVE 40% On Art Addicts Designs items through February 20, 2025!

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What a fabulous mesh of magical talents! :lovey3: Lynne and Cheryl, so excited to see your new store full of gorgeous designs opening here at Oscraps!!! :dancingbfly::sparkles1::beatingheart:
Welcome and I hope you do well with selling your designs here at OScraps.
I am now off to have a look at your Designs and see what I can add to my wish list !

P.S. I am back to say.... I just could not resist two of the wonderful collections so they did not make it to my wish list. :shopping:
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I love the two of you designing together. It's awesome you now have a shop together too. I wish you both lots of luck with this new adventure called Art Addicts!!
What a beautiful combo of artistry, Lynne and Cheryl. Congrats on your new store here at the O! ♥
Welcome to this wonderful community! We are happy to have you.
What a fabulous pair of talented designers working together! Aren't we the lucky ones to have you here at the O!! :lovey3:
so glad the 2 of you working together have your own shop putting out all your fabulous collabs as I love your work so much - welcome !
Welcome to the new duo! Your joint projects are amazing and magical – wow. Wishing you lots of success! :dancing6:
Woot woot! So excited and welcome! You two are a total magical package!