
Waving Hi (again)


Active Member
I'm Jen (jenevang around digiland) and waving Hi! I've been here before but have been sucked back in due to following some of your new designers :). Gorgeous store and site! Looking forward to getting to know you all (again).


Well-Known Member
welcome back Jen and make yourself at hOme again, nothing much has changed but it might be good to read the gallery rules for posting again as that is one thing that has changed. Still very relaxed though.
Enjoy your stay here


O'chOir extraOrdinaire
Hi Jen ... welcOme back! The new designers are just fabulous aren't they? Then again, some of the "old" ones are pretty amazing too!!!


WelcOme home Jen - looking forward to seeing your pages in the gallery ----- and join in the challenges ----- one of our main rules here is ENJOY and have FUN!


Well-Known Member
Hi, Jen! Your face seems familiar.. maybe when you were here last I was also here. LOL Either way, welcome and hope to get to know you!