
TWILIGHT: The Movie!!!


Well-Known Member
Sue the last book was my favorite! Enjoy every word LOL! I have to stay away from Edwards Perspective at least until I release something new LOL! I can't believe how addictive the series is... I was warned so that is why I just watched the movie and then after I watched the movie it was all I thought about as I wanted to know more.... so I gave in.. LOL... Thank goodness all the designers at the shop aren't reading them all at once ...hee..hee..


Well-Known Member
Tali we were posting at the same time LOL! ... I will make it a treat for myself after I create something as it has taken me a bit to get back up to speed with real life... Gah!


The Loopy-O
Dawn, LOL! Yes, addicting! I felt lost whenI was done.
I decided to not finish reading Midnight Sun- guess that way when it comes out (I hope?) I will have something exciting to look forward too.
I read the first 48 pages online then stopped.

Hey Dawn-- how about a Twilight styled Kit? ;)