
The Daily Oooo's - Explained!


Hi y'all! Ask for a sticky and ye shall receive :)

The daily Oooo's are daily threads where anyone and everyone is welcome to share their day. That's it, we just talk about what we have goin' on - a daily check in to say "hi" or whatever comes to mind.

We do have some special abbreviations for things we do on certain days. So far these are as follows:
MMM - Me Me Monday - What can you do for yourself today? Bubble bath, manicure, go shopping, read a good book, scrap etc.

TfT - Tip for Tuesday- Any tips you wish to share. How to do something in Photoshop, a great recipe, how to sooth an upset child etc.

WWW - Wishes and Wants on Wednesdays - basically anything you wish you could do/get done/dreams/etc - "I wish the laundry faery would come to do my laundry" and things that you actually want to make happen that day - "I want to finish the laundry"

ToT - Temptations on Thursday - "I'm tempted to stay in bed all day..." "I'm tempted by Vicki's rawkin' new kit in the store..." etc.

FiF - Finish it Friday - Things you hope to finish up. A project you started, a layout, a procrastinated chore etc.

let me just say again...

EVERYONE is WELCOME in the Daily Oooo's!!!!!

Jump in anytime you like... but you may not want to leave :) Which is OK by us :)
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O' whip cracker whip
I am not really a coffee person, but herbal tea, and do remember to come in with the chocs :)


Well-Known Member
OMGosh! I'm all over that MMM! My one major work day is Sunday...and it wipes me out. I keep telling everyone that I "don't do Mondays"! Somehow the kids just don't get that....but everyone else seems to let me have a break.


The Loopy-O
Well, Kitty- this now means you have to join us! :D
We have a great time in the Daily Ooo's threads, so please make sure everyone stops by!


Well-Known Member
This is a neat thread just to chatter about all sorts of things in one spot.
I'm at work, and have some time to search the sites.
It's been raining today, so I guess it will get cold this afternight and tonight.

My ADSR partner has me signed up on 'something' (can't remember the name) so we can send the LO back and forth.
For that, I think just drive. We are only 12 miles apart.


Well-Known Member
Sounds fun!

Thanks for explaining this category! I think this will be a great way to meet people since I am new to the place.


Well-Known Member
This sounds like an awesome thread, never seen anything like this before, then again, I'm pretty new to the digi scrap world,LOL.


Thanks, Vicki - I never did really understand what the forum was/is - not that I asked of course - so happy someone did !!

And Nina's coffee is worth getting up for (even if she is 8 hrs ahead of me - or should I say I'm 8 hrs behind?

I'm writing down the MMM, Tft etc. so I won't forget then I'll prob. forget where I wrote it down - ah, to be under 40 again! what about 50? what about....

I'll drop in during the week and see what's happening with everyone -

I do so love our "O" hOme


The Loopy-O
ooooh. thanks for reminding me- I used to do the Daily MMM< ToT ext and I have been waaaay lazy! Off to fix that now!


Well-Known Member
Ahhhh, I'm SOOOOO glad to be back, lost internet connection for a couple days...I missed you guys....but I'm happy now!!


I can vouch for Nina's morning coffee....it's YUMMY!!!!

oh boy, this really hit me just now.

I saw Kristi's post about being "back" in here and just for grins/giggles i went back to the beginning post to review our abbreviations and saw Carla's post a couple down.


i wonder how George and Taylor are. Anyone still in touch with them?


The Loopy-O
Wow :( it is going to be 4 years in may.....
V I was thinking of her the other day, the picture that geourge sent to us after she dies popped up on my desk.... weird huh?
I'm new and just finding my way around.

I have a question..

Where is D1 Chat room, because I would like to go to the chat tomorrow on the 24th,right? Val is one of my fave designers. Do I need to fill any thing out before I can go in the chat room?


Well-Known Member
Have been checking out the daily oOOOss. It seems like a fun thread. Looking forward to dropping by soon :)


Wow. With all these new people joining, am I going to have to brush my teeth and get dressed before I pop in? I was pretty comfortable slurping coffee in my robe. I guess they'll get used to me. ;)