
Started a facebook account now what lol


Well-Known Member
Jumping on the band wagon now and re-activated my twitter. Now that both boys are in school it will be easier for me :O) I added Amanda and Blythe lol those are the two I know lol

So if you want to add me then I am Ashalee Wall on FB


always chatty at the O!!
FB is fun and highly addictive, but a great way to get the word out about whatever you have to say.


Well-Known Member
I still need to find out how to add ppl.
Everytime I have been invited.. And my total of friends is...trr...... 5! :lol:
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The Loopy-O
Ash- got your friend request, hope you accept me buhahahah!!!
Yvonna- I am going to add you know.

If anyone hasn't added me yet you can find me as Chris Iantosca Campbell or faerywings :)


Well-Known Member
LOL!!! I am on and off A LOT...TOO much!! that will change soon in a few weeks when I start babysitting full time again....

We just love you dear!!!

If anyone else wants to add me I am LINDA WOODIE WEBB on FB


O' whip cracker whip
I'm never on FB ;)

Ash I see you found me, anyone else can find me by Cat Thomson, same profile pic as here :)


Well-Known Member
Oke, you FB addicts.. now tell me HOW THE HECK do I put the flair buttons on the leftside of my profile!?
I've seen it on Chris' profile, and on some others..

Please help me *puppyeyes* :cool: