
**Spoilers*** HIMYM Fans!


Well-Known Member
What a load of poo!!! I'm seriously unhappy about this ending even though I called it two or three episodes ago.

What did you guys think?


always chatty at the O!!
I still need to watch the whole last season...but I am totally going to be stalking this thread. LOL!!


Well-Known Member
After nine years of watching in fairly "real" time. They condensed about 15 years worth of stuff into 40 minutes and had major stuff happen that no one wanted to happen. It kind of stunk!!


Feeling Owsome at the O!
I've seen little episodes of this series, not entirely my taste but I'm sorry for you that the ending stinks...

That's is one of the reasons I don't dare to watch Lost's last episode (although there are people who actually liked it) . I;ve seen the rest of the series.
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Well-Known Member
Now I actually liked most of the last episode of Lost. Even though we didn't get everything cleared up. There was a spiritual message that was awfully awesome.

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
Now I actually liked most of the last episode of Lost. Even though we didn't get everything cleared up. There was a spiritual message that was awfully awesome.

Me too. In fact, I watched it twice to make sure I had picked up on all the story endings.


always chatty at the O!!
I hated the last episode of lost. It ruined the entire series for me. Too much thinking for me.

Someone told me about the ending of HIMYM and I must say I'm not thrilled about it. I need to watch the whole season when it comes out on netflix.

I wish Bug Bang Theory would get on netflix already. CBS is so stingy.


aA Creative Team Member
one of my favorite episodes was the proposal. the marriage lasted, what, 15 minutes? i like symmetry but this didn't really work for me.


Well-Known Member
That's my biggest problem. If they had Barney and Robin decide to not get married at the beginning of the season, then spent the season focused on the mother and Ted - I don't think the ending would have sucked as badly. But to smoosh it all into 40 minutes - divorce Barney and Robin, kill the mother, put Ted and Robin together. Blech.


I didn't care for the ending of Lost either. :(

I haven't ever really watched HIMYM so can't comment on that. Love NPH though :)


aA Creative Team Member
i am trying to think of a really good finale ... the only one i can come up with is M.A.S.H. and that was a long time ago.


always chatty at the O!!
the MASH finale was definitely amazing. One of my favorite TV episodes of anything ever. Now you have me thinking trying to think of good finales. OH!!!! ER. I loved that ending. I loved the the first and last line of the show were the same. There was some weirdness in the last season trying to wrap it up but I did like the season finale. The Friends finale wasn't bad either.

That's all I can think of right now.