
Sorting Kits?

Found the scroll thing. Thanks. I also was able to drag and drop to get my images into folders. But still having problems getting the image to go onto the folder. Tried even naming my image folder.jpg still doesn't work. I tried to video to show you but it won't let me upload here. Says file is too big.
This is how I do it - open the preview .jpg image (just in viewer), Command-A (for select all), Command-C, to copy it. Then open the folder and either Cmd-I or Right Click and 'Get info'. Click on the little folder icon and Cmd-V onto it, that's how you'll get the folder to look like the preview.
Finally got it working. I had to open up image. Command A. Then Command C. Then I was able to paste it into command I. And Command V. Took forever to figure this out. Going to relax now.
This is how I do it - open the preview .jpg image (just in viewer), Command-A (for select all), Command-C, to copy it. Then open the folder and either Cmd-I or Right Click and 'Get info'. Click on the little folder icon and Cmd-V onto it, that's how you'll get the folder to look like the preview.
thank you. I just figured that out. I was missing the command A.
thank you. I just figured that out. I was missing the command A.
If you are looking at images in a Finder window (as I demonstrate in the video) you can click once on it, which selects it, then Cmd C to copy it.

BUT if you double click on it, and it opens in Preview — as @tjscraps does, THEN you have to Cmd A to select all first and THEN Cmd C to copy.

Two ways to accomplish the same thing.
If you are looking at images in a Finder window (as I demonstrate in the video) you can click once on it, which selects it, then Cmd C to copy it.

BUT if you double click on it, and it opens in Preview — as @tjscraps does, THEN you have to Cmd A to select all first and THEN Cmd C to copy.

Two ways to accomplish the sane thing.
I don't know why but the first way like you were showing just didn't work for me. I kept trying and trying and kept getting the jpg letters instead of the image. The only way it would work is the 2nd way with the command A option. It was driving me nuts yesterday.
I don't know why but the first way like you were showing just didn't work for me. I kept trying and trying and kept getting the jpg letters instead of the image. The only way it would work is the 2nd way with the command A option. It was driving me nuts yesterday.
Hmmm. I’ll have to think on that, but I do have an idea …
I do Store>Designer>Kit. I also keep a spreadsheet with the designer name, kit name, store purchased at, then additional stores if they are at others (I have 4 columns right now), then I have categories the kit can fall into that I just put and X in - things like Seasonal, Heritage, Children, Artsy, etc. I also have a column for "Freebie" and "not in store" for those kits that are retired. I'm happy to share if anyone wants to see it. I work with spreadsheets all day, every day at my day job. They are my sanity and life savers!