One of the most unique and creative siggies I've seen is the newest one by @*sylvia*. Since I can't give it a Standing O, I thought I'd share it here for the recognition it deserves. Not only is it pretty, and the little cactus is so adorable, but Sylvia has created each section of the siggie separately, linking the sections to her gallery, blog, and social media; S Y LVI A ! Be sure to check it out, clicking on the lettered sections, to see how it works.
@*sylvia* I hope you don't mind me sharing about your siggie, but it's just so awesome, I couldn't resist! ♥
Here is a screenshot of Sylvia's awesome siggie!
@*sylvia* I hope you don't mind me sharing about your siggie, but it's just so awesome, I couldn't resist! ♥
Here is a screenshot of Sylvia's awesome siggie!