
shop upgrade/new look - Monday, July 13, 2015

Congratulations with the NEW SHOP , what a great make over, I love it! :clap2:
I believe for sure that this was a very big job, the result is fantastic! Aplause for all the people who made this possible!:thumb: The for sale items e.g. are much clearer now, perfect, you can be proud Vicki!

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The new look is so fresh, I like it much! I really adore option "Sort by price", because I'm on budget and before many times I felt that I miss something that can get just because couldn't saw kits that respond to my possibilities.
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It looks AMAZING!! Well done, Vicki!!!!
Now you should take a well-deserved wine break :partywine
Woot woot!! I can't wait to have the green light to brag about this on my blog and fan page!! Te he he!

Great Job Vicki and the team behind the 1's and 0's !!! Love the new look.
I'm sorry for the problems you are experiencing and I hope you'll have everything sorted soon Vicki.
I really hope because I'm having withdrawal symptoms from the shop! :sick:
But on the pro side, I must say that checking the forum for updates about the shop made me aware that I have time and mood to partecipate to some challenges!
Every cloud has a silver lining!

Now that is awesome news and makes me feel better :) :)
Congratulations with the NEW SHOP , what a great make over, I love it! :clap2:
I believe for sure that this was a very big job, the result is fantastic! Aplause for all the people who made this possible!:thumb: The for sale items e.g. are much clearer now, perfect, you can be proud Vicki!

Thank you, thank you, thank you :)
The new look is so fresh, I like it much! I really adore option "Sort by price", because I'm on budget and before many times I felt that I miss something that can get just because couldn't saw kits that respond to my possibilities.

Thanks! I'm glad you like it! And, HOORAY the sort by price works well for you :) I honestly hadn't thought about it like that!
did you see that handbag to put your shopping in and the heart for the wishing list?? so cute