I have not been on here as much lately as I would have liked to have been. I care for our youngest granddaughter. Her mom is a single mom and doesn't have anyone else to help with child care. She got laid off from her job a few weeks ago when her company did a mass layoff. She found another job but making half of what she is used to making. I know times are tight for a lot of folks right now. It is hard to see your children go through hard times. A week after Thanksgiving I got sick and ran a fever. I am better from that but am having a very hard time following my third chemo. Our 15 year old grandson had to miss school yesterday so he could watch our 18 month old grand baby so I could sleep. My energy level is still really low. I only have one more chemo and then radiation. I know the end is in sight but I am still struggling. I feel a bit disconnected and isolated. On top of that, our youngest daughter, the one I babysit for, is trying to get over pneumonia. She did an online doctor's appointment since she lost her insurance when she lost her job. Her baby is also sick and fighting double ear infections. I appreciate your prayers for me and my family.