


Well-Known Member
dear friends at Oscraps
This is such a hard post for me to do. I haven't been active here for sometime as I lost my scrapbooking mojo and have basically been on Instagram daily. I had my yearly mammogram and have been diagnosed with breast cancer. I am now waiting to see surgeons etc. I will be having a double masectomy as it is in both breasts. I would love if you all prayed for me as I start out on this long journey. The shock still hasn't worn off as yet but I am going into this with a positive attitude and hopefully a full recovery. Please if anyone has bee through this any help or suggestions would be welcome. Thank you. I have enjoyed my time here but now must concentrate on what is ahead. Love to you all Ang


Well-Known Member
sorry you have to go through this Ang.
There are several of us who have been on what I call the "tit-saga trip " and for everyone it's different and the treatment you get is different as well, depending on what , where , how big etc.
I found the worst bit was the not knowing when the next step would be taking place and the awful wait in between.
So I do hope that your journey /itenary will be marked out beforehand like they do in Holland. My sister heard the first week after been diagnosed when her operation would be- when she would start with chemo and how long after the radiation therapy would start .
We're with you all the way - do let us know how you get on ( if you feel like it)
sending lots of hugs and positive thoughts your way.
Scrapping may help you through it if you can find the energy- it's a good way to divert the mind as well .


You are in my prayers. Although I haven't gone through this myself, I have two very close friends who have...with total recovery. Bless your heart. Be sure to let us know how you are getting on. Gentle hugs.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Sending you gentle hugs also!! Although I have not been through this myself, I also know many who have and have had recovery!! I pray that you find the strength you need to get through this, with your family and loved ones close to your side!! Keeping you you close to my heart !! :hug:


The Loopy-O
Oh ang!!!!! ((((((((hugs)))))))))
Like Ellen said, there are a few of us here at the O who have been through this and we are all here to support you. Saturday, I participated in Relay for Life as a Survivor (breast cancer as well, caught early and in only one breast, thank goodness!) and let me tell you how amazing it is to be surrounded by so many people who have beaten this.
There are going to be days where you feel like you have got this! Other days you are going to want to hibernate and never come out. There are going to be days that you feel both of those ways at the same time.

You have all of my love and prayers and laughter. I am not making light of any of this, but if you can find little bits of light and joy, it makes a world of difference.
Right now, it is all about the baby steps.


aA Creative Team Member
Angela, I am so sorry you are going through this. I hope you will let us support you in any way we can. Sending you hugs and prayers.


Well-Known Member
Thank you so much dear friends and I will try and keep you posted. As yet I have no definite dates for anything Hopefully things will get moving quickly. Hugs Ang


Well-Known Member
Oh I anderstand it was a shock for you and your family too.
I hope you'll tell us a good news as soon as possible.
Big hugs...


Feeling at hOme!
Sorry to hear about this Angela.
I've never been through this, but some of my friends have and they had a full recovery after chimio and breast reconstruction. I remember it was quite hard for them but they were happy to have their family and friends ready to come and entertain them.
It looks like it was also important to find some new hobbies to focus on.

My thoughts are with you.
And don't forget that the O-Family is there for you


O sO silly
What an awful news. I'm very sorry for you. There must so many mixed feelings but I'm glad to see that you are staying positive and I wish all the success possible. Be safe, be healthy soon and we'll be here to read about your journey anytime. Hugs.


The Loopy-O
Angela- first I want to say that I hope my line about caught early/one breast didn't come across as any commentary against your diagnosis. I went to bed last night worrying that it came across in a negative way to you. If it did, I am so sorry. :hug:

Also-- breastcancer.org was a fabulous site, very informative and supportive. There are sub-forums broken down by the type you have, so you are able to talk with people who have similar staged diagnoses/treatment etc.



I love the "O"
I´m so sorry to hear this. I had my yearly cancer chech up yesterday and also a breast ultrasound . I had ovarian cancer 4 years ago and have a risk for breast cancer now.
The best thing you can do is to think positive. Nowadays we have good chances to full recover after such diagnosis.Iwish you all the best


Well-Known Member
Ang you are in my prayers and as others have stated I know many who are now cancer free. Hugs!


Well-Known Member
Ang, I'm so sorry for this bad new.
Keep thoughtfully prayers for you.
Stay positive, I am happy to read you are.
Sweet (((hug)))


Well-Known Member
I have been to the city for my consult with a surgeon and had my preop and am having my surgery on June 29. So will update after then and when I am feeling up to it. I am so happy to have all of you praying for me as God works in mysterious ways and I believe He has a plan for me. Thank you so much for all your kind words. Ang


I love the "O"
You are in my thoughts! When you get to hear bad news about your health, the world is standing still.
Personally I have a very tough year behind because of my husband's illness. Many questions that come at you ... The uncertainty is a small killer.
But Ang, you have to fight and remain positive even though it is not always easy.
I send positive thoughts and big hugs!


Well-Known Member
Dear Ang, I was just thinking about you, wondering where you have been. Sounds like you are on top of this. I will pray for you. My mother had a mastectomy at 58 and lived to 85 -(she did not have breast cancer in the end). that was a while ago and there are so many advances now. Remain positive! PM me anytime, Ang. ((hugs))