
Organizing Files


Well-Known Member
Well my external drive is almost full, mostly from digi scrapping stuff, so I've been trying so hard to purge and organize my files. UGH...I think I need to be on Hoarders, cause I have such a hard time getting rid of files. I go through stuff and I'm like "Well one day I might want to use that again!" It is sooooo hard to get rid of my scrapping stuff. Even my traditional scrapping stuff, which I really haven't even touched in about 2 years I just can't get rid of!


lOve the O!
I hear you- I finally burned the maybes too dvd's and then haven't used them in several years.


Well-Known Member
You finally get tired of digging though it and just do it...I did....and since then I have been way more organized and I don't buy anything I won't use...I have a folder on my desktop that I put my new things in to use and I won't add more than three or four things to that folder...and have to use them before I get more new stuff...now I haven't thrown anything out since I did the initial major overhaul...but it is more organized and at least I know I have used it all.


The Loopy-O
I hear you- I finally burned the maybes too dvd's and then haven't used them in several years.

That is what I do too. I use ACDSee Photo Mgr, and I make Photo Disks so they will still be included in the database and can be searched for. However, the last time I did that, I moved everything using Windows and lost al lof my tagging/organizing. Oh well- its probably for the best.


always chatty at the O!!
I try and be diligent in renaming things and have really started working on having a file for previews of everything. I just use the search tool in Windows explorer and if I need a frame i can just type in frame and it comes up. That has made a huge difference. One thing to remember is that at Oscraps you can re-download things so if you delete something and then decide you want it again...you can re-download it. That isn't the case everywhere though unfortunately. I used to tag and organize but I ended up spending so much time doing that it made it more difficult. I also have a "Stuff to do" file and I always try and use stuff out of there first and then put it away once I have. Make life much easier and I use stuff more often that way.


Well-Known Member
I use bridge and create "Smart" Collections... I just drag and drop kit previews into the collections by things like... "Seasonal" "Themed" "Warm" "Cool" etc... then after seeing the preview I know where in my EHD it's located... because I organize by shop then designer.

I also just buy a new EHD when mine get full haha!!! I have a 1TB one.. and it has ALL of my stash, plus my own designs and tools... and all my photos... music... everything...

... and it's only 1/3 full. EHDs are getting so cheap now, that I don't really ever delete anything. I've found myself going back to the first things I've ever purchased every now and then.... I can't part with anything.