
Organising in PE vs ACD see


I saw the thread re organising alpha in ACD - I have a demo but after buying an EHD don't think I can spend more money :)

I know some of you use the PE Organiser (Helen?) and I would appreciate any help -
I've set up a trial catalog but it's really not working.

1. Do you organise by designer / shop /
2. kits/ sub cat papers / colour / theme
3. or do you just do previews??
4. alphas and I really want to do my Word Art as searching thru them is time-consuming.
5. How detailed do you make your catalog

The important thing is I want to organise my new EXD from the beginning - and I want to have my catalogue there (I think) or maybe the catalogue on my laptop and kits on EXT

thanks everyone - I'm getting bogged down with kits and missing things I would love to use and don't see them for the no. of files
Jacqueline -


ONA - Administrator
hey Jacqueline! I use the Organiser with Elements 7. I have set up my catalogue as follows:

Albums - I make a main album for each site that I buy from, then a sub album underneath for each designer

I have streamlined my catagories now as well. Virtually I have an Elements section and a Papers section and in each I just make sub categories with site names, then another sub-category underneath for the designer, and then under each designer I just list the kit (so the same structure for both the Elements and Papers category). I don't load Alpha into the organiser because I don't use them all that much, I just keep them in their original folder in the File Explorer - with the orginal kit. If I want to use the alpha I just open File Explorer,find the folder and drag the file into Elements.

This sounds soooo confusing!!! LOL!! I am inthe middle of packing to go away but I will be at my daughter's tonight so I do a screen dump of my Organiser page and link to here, that might make some more sense to you. gotta run!! talk to you later.


Well-Known Member
I am anxious to read how others organize in PSE also. I have PSE7 and I have been trying to tag all of my digi goodies. It is taking FOREVER! lol Sometimes I feel like I have way too many categories....like my occasional OCD kicks in and starts trying to over-categorize things. I'm not sure if it helps me find things better or not! lol


Well-Known Member
Here's a question. I have PSE6 and CS3 on my Mac. I house all my digi supplies on our home server though. Can I use the organizers with folders on the server?? Or do they have to be local folders? Anyone know?