
OMG! What do little girls think about??


Well-Known Member
My oldest, i.mke is 5 years old, will be 6 in june.
She just asked me: mommy, if you want a baby in your belly, how do you ask about that?
Me: uh, what? I have no idea!
She: yeah, when you had us in your belly, what did you asked befor I was inside?
Me: *thinking really hard about what the heck I would say to her*
she: and did you know 6+6 is 12?
Me: oh WOW, you are brilliant at math!! (notice me talking a relly different dirrection? LOL )
She: yes, and 1+1 is 2, and 2+3 is 5! And if you have an earinfection, and you taste the earwax, are you going to die?
Me: no, but I think it is really nasty! OMG what are you thinking about!!


Bush Girl

Well-Known Member

Totally adore the ear wax comment!!

Are you sure she's a girl??? That definitely sounds like something my son would say.


Well-Known Member
hahaaaa! i've always read that when these sorts of questions come up, you need to be careful not to supply more info than they're actually looking for. and thank heaven for ADDITION to the rescue!! this is too funny. and cute.


Well-Known Member
You gotta love kids!!!!!

Cameran told me last night (he is 8 yo) that if you don't get the hospital in time to have your baby, you had to go to the bathroom.....I asked him WHY? and he said "BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO POOP IT OUT!"

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :pound: KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


aA Creative Team Member
hahaha! this was definitely my smile for the day!!! i still rely on "let me think about that and get back to you..." when i am just plain unprepared to answer any particular question :)