
Old Newbie


Hi! My name's Terri and although I registered on this site back in 2009, I have never participated other than to browse the gallery from time to time. I have to admit that I am awed by the amazing layouts posted by so many incredibly talented scrappers here at Oscraps.

I love the products here at Oscraps - the designers are some of the best I've seen. I feel I can really learn alot from the community here at Oscraps.

It will probably be some time before I post any of my work to the gallery - I feel my work looks very amateurish compared to what I've seen posted. But I've come to learn and be inspired as I too have taken a bit of a hiatus from scrapping.

A little more about me personally, I live in Alberta, Canada and am employed in a very technical field of work. I married my knight in shining armor (literally) too late in life to have a family of my own but I support my husband's adult children as if they were my own. I have a wide variety of interest and hobbies such as: cooking, running, reading, Spanish, dogs, gardening, Toastmasters - the list could go on and on. My DH recently retired after a 37+ year career in the military and is pursing a new career that takes him out of town on a weekly basis. This leaves me with plenty of time to pursue my own interests and I can think of no better way to spend a cold Canadian winter eve than digi scrapping a layout or two.

I'm looking forward to becoming a more active member here at Oscraps and participating in the forums and challenges!

Welcome to the "O" Terri!! Please make yourself at HOme here!! Its nice to have another :canada: here! We are a friendly bunch here and please don't be shy to post your layouts or partcipate in the challenges. We love our Newbies ! It won't be long before you are an old pro at this and if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. There are a lot of talented people here who are all more than happy to give you a hand! I am sure I speak for all the cheeryO's when I say, we hope you love your stay here!!
Welcome. I'd like to encourage you to participate in the challenges...they are truly inspiring and are what keep me posting LOs to the gallery. The artistic bar IS high here, but the support is generous.
Welcome @ the "O" family Terri!
And it is as Trudy says, if we can help, we will do that with pleasure. And if you feel like it, please join the challenges, it's fun!
Hi terri! So happy that you are jumping into the Oscraps Family!

I have been digi-scrapping since 2005, and I *still* think my LO's look amateurish compared to so many of those in the Gallery. But please do not let that from stopping you from posting yours. Each scrapper has their own style and always, always remember that each page you create is yours and yours alone. It is the memories and the creativity that comes from you and shouldn't be compared to anyone else's.

Welcome Terri ! :wave:
we've got our new monthly challenges going live today, and tons of cool stuff going on for iDSD, so just join the fun ! :)
Terri - Oh, Canada :canada:

And welcome to our "O" family.

Please don't hesitate to post your pages - if you have the time look to my gallery - the first pages are not that swift :) but I posted them anyways.
We have some very talented artists here but most of us are not in their league LOL. So post away - try a challenge - buy some new goodies - check out the freebies in the shoppe.

It's always interesting to see how your style changes and you have to begin somewhere eh?

Happy to have you joining us :welcome:
I appreciate your encouragement and adding the extra "eh" makes me feel warmly welcomed! See you around the gallery!


Terri - Oh, Canada :canada:

And welcome to our "O" family.

Please don't hesitate to post your pages - if you have the time look to my gallery - the first pages are not that swift :) but I posted them anyways.
We have some very talented artists here but most of us are not in their league LOL. So post away - try a challenge - buy some new goodies - check out the freebies in the shoppe.

It's always interesting to see how your style changes and you have to begin somewhere eh?

Happy to have you joining us :welcome:
Thank you for the warm welcome!

Thanks to everyone who posted such a warm welcoming to me on this thread. I really appreciate your comments and encouragement! I will definitely be checking out the challenges but not before I complete a tutorial or two! See you in the forums and the gallery!
Welcome Terri!

And ditto what everyone else says!!! We all grow and learn and change styles and love our pages no matter what!

(ummm...Chris said it much better than I did.)
welcome out of lurkdom Terri, just jump in . we're a friendly encouraging bunch of scrapaddicts , happy to share our hobby
Welcome Terri, So glad to meet you. I look forward to seeing some of your work. I bet it is better than you think - I have a hard time posting some times, but get such warm and wonderful comments - everyone here is so great and supportive. I have learn so much from the gallery, and from the challenges, so I do hope you will join in.
oh I about passed out the first time I saw an online gallery....I would just scroll thru and freak! You so need to play, each challenge you do, you will learn something else and your skills will just increase...and remember we ALL were new once...
Welcome to the O!!
Welcome "back" and can't wait to get to know more about you :) Don't be shy about posting your work and don't ever be scared to ask a question, the ladies here rock at helping out! :)