
NSBR - Walking with Dinosaurs


Oh my GOSH! We just got home from seeing Walking with Dinosaurs - Holy Cow WOW! It was amazing. Absolutely AMAZING!

You should have seen the look on Alyx's face as he clapped and cheered at the end. I teared up, he looked so incredibly happy. :)

Anyone else seen it or plan to see it?


Well-Known Member
Vicki would it be okay for a 4 year old? Dh & I wanted to take Nick but we thought it might be too scary for him.


Oh, I think so! The place was full of children of all ages. I didn't see a single one cry or look scared. There is a bunch of roaring, but its cool not scary and some lightning/thunder things, but that's about it. If Nick can handle watching dinos on tv, he can definitely handle this!


always chatty at the O!!
This was in WA a couple of years ago but there were a bunch of other things we were taking my ds to so we didn't go. I am so bummed. I hope it comes to this area again soon. I'll have to look into it.

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
Isn't that just great! This TV documentary was invented & created over here and following Vicki's link it looks amazing, but we don't get it on in this country - boo hoo. Looks fabulous and my kids would love it, but I suppose the UK audiences wouldn't be deemed big enough.


The Loopy-O
My FIL took Scott two years ago and he still talks about how cool it was.
I am sure you weren't allowed to get pictures of inside, but dis you get any of Alyx before or after?


Well-Known Member
Wow, I must be living under a really big rock! I have no idea what walking with dinosaurs is. Looks like everyone enjoyed it though! Guess I getter start paying attention to the world around me :)


Well-Known Member
We went last fall, when Aiden was 4. He LOVED it! But he was scared in the beginning...

We thought it was expensive...but so worth the look on Aiden's face! He is crazy about dinosaurs!


Well-Known Member
Cool...wish a) I'd been out from under my rock to know about it, and b) it was easier to plan for things with my nephew.....oh well.
I'm glad Alyx LOVED it...


Well-Known Member
this looks amazing! My boys would love this! but they would not give a show in Belgium, perhaps we could go to london, that shouldn't be to far away...


Yeah, it really is magical and amazing. As Wendy said, it is expensive, but worth it. If you get the chance to go see it, I totally recommend it.


Well-Known Member
I joined the NetFlix craze this weekend and was surfing thru documentaries...and found this...


Using cutting-edge computer-generated imagery to recreate prehistoric times, this Emmy-winning miniseries was originally shown on the BBC. Combining science, art and a goodly amount of imagination, the series, narrated by Kenneth Branagh, brings to life the Cretaceous, Triassic and Jurassic periods, showing the world through the eyes of the dinosaurs that roamed the earth. Each episode focuses on an individual dinosaur or family of dinosaurs.

I don't know if this is the same, (but it is BBC so it might be similar). It has a "play now" feature, or a dvd you can add to your que...anyway, not as great as "in person" but might be a good watch for your dinosaur lover...