
non scrap related flooring question


lOve the O!
I am finally at the point where I can replace the old flooring in my kitchen. I know that ceramic tile is hard on your body if you are standing on it. I have found an alternative called Dura Ceramic that is warmer, not sure about softer. I am also considering sheet linoleum with a fiberglass backing that comes in many patterns and is cushy. We do not plan on selling our house anytime soon and any flooring would be better than what is currently down.

What do you have? Do you like it? What would you put down if you were replacing?
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We replaced our original vinyl with hardwood many years ago. I love it. It is warm, elegant-looking, and cleans up easily. I would do the same again.


Well-Known Member
we're just preparing to put in ceramic. i had wood, but it's too hard to keep up when you spend a lot of time in the kitchen. the finish kept wearing off!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Ceramic tile is definitely hard your legs and your back, cleans up great, but if you drop anything on it, it chips and is very unforgiving!! I would love to replace mine but not sure what I would get either?? :sorry: Maybe Cork flooring?


lOve the O!
Oh good options to think about. We have a flooring outlet that will do the basement, and then I am hoping to get the upstairs done. I think we will use the duraceramic in the bathroom(s) and perhaps to replace the dated slate in the entry way.


Well-Known Member
We had vinyl in our old house that was ugly. Replaced it to sell the house. Our house now has lots of hardwood on the first floor. Kitchen eating area and large hallway to the front door and garage/laundry room doors.

I love the look of it, but about 6 months after we moved in, my plantar faschaitis(sp?) started acting up really bad. Eventually put two and two together and realized the hardwood floors were hard on my feet. I got a steroid shot to settle the inflamation and started making sure I wear at least flip flops or slippers when standing in the kitchen. Eventually, we will have to refinish the floor, but so far we've left it alone.

So vinyl is softer and easier to maintain, but hardwood is soooo pretty. This is why I hate working on the house. Too many decisions!!!


lOve the O!
I hear you Sara- I like that I have time to decide. I also like hearing the pros and cons of different flooring. This house is full of blue- linoleum and carpet- bleck. Cannot wait for more neutral colors.


I have WEALTHY friends who put ceramic tile in their show-stopper gourmet kitchen. He loathed it from the start because it was cold and every time he dropped something, it broke. Also, every crumb that fell showed up, so it was daily high-maintenance. In their next house, they installed VINYL! Yes! They could have afforded anything, but that's what they chose. She finally admitted that she didn't like the tile either. There are many gorgeous vinyls and linoleums out there these days. And yes, our hardwood will need to be refinished someday, but in the meantime, I try to remember, IT IS JUST A FLOOR! The flaws give it character. And it sure beats the mud floor in the North Dakota dug-out shack my grandmother had! LOL!


Feeling at hOme!
I used to have an ugly light pink ceramic tile floor in my kitchen (from the previous owner): it looked always dirty even though you washed it every day. One day a heavy pyrex bowl fell on it and broke a tile!

I love hardwood but couldn't afford it, and since I am living in a flat, I had to choose something not too noisy. I finally choose a vinyl floor that looks like a hardwood. This one was just the color I wanted and was very easy to put on the floor since it is adhesive and can be cut with scissors or cutter ;) (here is my floor).

It's very easy to clean. And if you need to replace a part, you just have to warm it with the hairheater to stick it off.


I love the "O"
Ceramic tile is definitely hard your legs and your back, cleans up great, but if you drop anything on it, it chips and is very unforgiving!! I would love to replace mine but not sure what I would get either?? :sorry: Maybe Cork flooring?

That's what i would suggest. Cork is very warm and comfy !

Last week we replaced our flour in the kitchen and livingroom. Today we painted the walls...

We wanted a wooden floor, but because of the dog we bought a ceramic, but looks like a wooden floor ;)

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
I've floored my kitchen twice in the last 19 yrs and voth times have gone for marmoleum, which is the poorman's version of amtico - old fashioned, breathable sheet lino. I love it. The first time we wne tofr black, buot aboslutley every crumb shows up. Second time round we put down ruby red - I LOVE IT!!! It does still show most crumbs, but you drop a casserole on in and it bounces, drop a knife, point down and the cut heals itself. And after the hell of acres of marble in Singapore, a necessity against the heat & humidity, which caused me to have the moslt awful planter fasciitis like Sara, I'l neve go for a hard floor again.

Ooops, apologies for rubish ipad typing - why couldn't Apple have incuded forward na d backwards arrows .! Atuwlly, half a bottle of rose might be to blame. :fish:


always chatty at the O!!
I had a textured linoleum that I loved. It was designed to look like tile and many peoe thought it was. I had ceramic tile throughout our whole house in Italy and we couldn't get it clean. But we had radiator heat that went through the floors so our floor was always warm.


The Loopy-O
No one mentioned Pergo? Being that I clean a lot of houses, hardwood looks amazing, but tough to maintain. Linoleum is nice but gets that build up on it. Would never go for regular ceramic tile. I did have a couple of houses that had pergo and I would LOVE to have that. It looks great, low maintenance, easy to clean. You could Swiffer it or mop it. If my floors were level (and I had money!LOL) I would get rid of the carpet and do pergo.


I love the "O"
What is Pergo Chris ? Have tried to translate it but it still says Pergo hahahaa


I love the "O"
ooh thank you for your help Marijke, oh laminaat/pergo yes i like that too.


Well-Known Member
I think it can depend on what climatic zone you live at and wheather you have pets too.

I used to have beautiful, polyurethan-treated hardwood floor. Well, it was beautiful in other parts of the house, not in the kitchen. From my experience, leaks happen way more offten than dropped things. And wood warps and the finish wears off. When we remodeled, we put in nice, ceramic tile. We had dogs and a messy parrot so it was a must.

My current house in California has natural stone. It has a lot of texture so crumbs are not so visible. But I am sort of a clean freak and they would bother me even on wood :))). My house in Prague (cold winters, mild summer) has tile and I am happy with it, it's easy to clean. There is floor heating (water) so it's warm in winter and nice cool in summer. I never had problems with my feet - I never walk on hard floors barefeet, I always have "orthopedic" slippers that I wear in the house. I don't know how it's possible but we don't drop things.

I had cork before, with finish that kept wearing off. Depending on the style, lino can look good but my laundry floor used to get scratched.

Pergo (I know it as laminate, faux-wood floows or floating floors from Europe) can be a good comprimise, it's durable and looks nice. Crumbs and dust will show on a dark finish, my friends have it and hate it :-(
For added comfort (and because some people don't like the "hollow" sound when walkin on it) Ikea makes cheap, washable rugs with non-slippery under-layer.
Friend of mine just installed laminate floor in her appartment and it looks and feels beautiful. The finish is like recycled wood and I love that style.


we have ceramic tile and it is hard and if you drop a frozen pot roast on it, you can crack it.....

I have memory foam padded thing "rug" that I got at Walmart that I keep in front of the sink and the stove :)