
No Flowers May 14-31, 2024


Well-Known Member
I love this challenge!!!!...Thank you.
I'll try to get a page done next campsite we are traveling today. Dont get me wrong I love flowers but not overwhelming like some pages are and not for masculine pages.


Well-Known Member
Okay, just for the record, I love flowers :giggle4: I just dont seem to put them in layouts. Most of my photos are dogs, snow, and more dogs. Plus my grands but they aren't flower children either. Dump trucks and snowmen LOL that's my life. So I do love flowers. I just dont love them being 90% of all kits since I dont use them. My inability to use flowers in layouts lead me to this challenge. :heartpumppink:


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Okay, just for the record, I love flowers :giggle4: I just dont seem to put them in layouts. Most of my photos are dogs, snow, and more dogs. Plus my grands but they aren't flower children either. Dump trucks and snowmen LOL that's my life. So I do love flowers. I just dont love them being 90% of all kits since I dont use them. My inability to use flowers in layouts lead me to this challenge. :heartpumppink:
SO well said, my Buddy! Couldn't have written this better myself. :beatingheart: Except for the dogs and won (oops, that should be SNOW!) part. Haha!
PS Answered you in O's a bit ago on this subject! :D
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Well-Known Member
Almost out of time. May is coming to a close faster than expected. Time is flying by and I have had a blast with all these beautiful no flower layouts.


Well-Known Member
I am sure that being May 31st makes you all happy, its the last day of No Flowers :giggle4: Tomorrow resumes the flower power layouts. Hmmmmmm maybe a challenge of Just Flowers will be needed. Would be a challenge for me for sure. I have had fun dipping my toes into member challenges and I thank you all who played. 14 hours until the deadline if anyone else wants to play along. :love:


Well-Known Member
@AK_Tracy Sorry to have missed this challenge. It was right up my alley. I don't care for a lot (if any) flowers on my pages. I also avoid kits that have lots of them. Just my vibe. lol
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Well-Known Member
@AK_Tracy Sorry to have missed this challenge. It was right up my alley. I don't care for a lot (if any) flowers on my pages. I also avoid kits that have them. Just my vibe. lol
Oh I'm sorry you missed it, but you could do it anyway. Was just for fun. I dont avoid kits with flowers but I do tend to skip those that are over 50% flowers. They're beautiful but not me. :heartpumppink: