
No Flowers May 14-31, 2024


Well-Known Member
So I was challenged to start a member challenge. I thought and thought and thought. What would be a challenge that hasn't been done (that I can find). So I thought, No Flowers. I love flowers but tend to leave them out of my layouts. I just cant seem to get the feel for making them look right (to me).

Post photos to your personal gallery, (following OScraps Gallery Guidelines) then link them here so I can leave some love.
The Rules: :heartpumppink:
  1. All layouts uploaded must contain at least 50% Oscraps products *that are currently in the store (a template equates to 15%)
  2. Please credit ALL the products you have used, for a non-Oscraps designer please mention their name but not their store and do not link to a non-Oscraps designer
  3. Please ensure that any photo you use is NOT copyrighted and if applicable, provide the appropriate credits for it.

My challenge, for fun, no rewards, is to create a layout with no flowers. Here is my layout, using Corner Slit Frames from Anna Aspens and Free Wheelin' by Aimee Harrison.
View media item 392474
This is my first attempt, if I have anything wrong or missed a rule, please let me know. :heartpumppink:
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I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I'm not a fan of flowers, but have to use them. I can't wait to play. I just finished a LO for one of the monthly challenges that doesn't have one single flower on it.

This is so awesome of you to start a member's challenge, Tracy!!! I will definitely be playing along.

Susie @pachimac is probably hyperventilating right now. :floorlaugh:


Well-Known Member
I’m so excited to see this!! When I get home I’m going to do this! This will be a challenge for sure because I tend to flower everything!!!


Well-Known Member
Tracy, this sounds a great challenge. I will see if I can make time to create something - after I get another couple of challenge pages put together.


I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
I'm not a fan of flowers, but have to use them. I can't wait to play. I just finished a LO for one of the monthly challenges that doesn't have one single flower on it.

This is so awesome of you to start a member's challenge, Tracy!!! I will definitely be playing along.

Susie @pachimac is probably hyperventilating right now. :floorlaugh:


Well-Known Member
Oh, my goodness, Tracy this is wonderful! You must not remember my "flower rants"! :floorlaugh: I'm not a fan!
This would be so easy for me, I'm going to try to find the time.
Now that you mention it yes I remember!!! :heartpumppink: Made us ever more bonded as friends!!!


ONA - Administrator
hahhahaaa!!! super fun challenge @AK_Tracy !! but I am with Susie @pachimac , I love me some flowers 99% of the time!!!

Hey Miss Kitty, :kitty1::kitty2::kitty: (<-- see what I did for you!!! :greengrin:) could you also please add some 'rules' to the challenge, as in following the Oscraps Gallery requirements, info you can copy is in the top thread when you first come into the this forum. Thanks sweetie!! :hug4:


Well-Known Member
hahhahaaa!!! super fun challenge @AK_Tracy !! but I am with Susie @pachimac , I love me some flowers 99% of the time!!!

Hey Miss Kitty, :kitty1::kitty2::kitty: (<-- see what I did for you!!! :greengrin:) could you also please add some 'rules' to the challenge, as in following the Oscraps Gallery requirements, info you can copy is in the top thread when you first come into the this forum. Thanks sweetie!! :hug4:
I added the rules and guidelines. please let me know if I missed anything else. :hug3:


Well-Known Member
Thankyou Tracy, I wanted to get my calendar page created so I used your challenge to not use flowers for it.

@MariJ Just drawing your attention as I know you enjoy seeing my calendar pages each month.


Well-Known Member
Have just seen this.... I am another of those non-flower scrappers. Sure, I use them, but can easily do without. Have just gone through my gallery to check if I've done a no flowers layouts recently - there's a few... Let me see if I can get another done for this challenge... I've been feeling a bit out of mojo since the iNSD...


Well-Known Member
@Terri M Here is the member challenge. Its scary fun. Scary that they let me do this and fun to have a different take on a challenge. No rewards. If you click the main tab "members challenges" you can find all the rules/requirements and some other fun ones that have been done.