
New New Yorker!

Hi everyone! I'm Cindie, I'm a 22-year-old that will be graduating college in two weeks (ahh, definitely not ready!). I'm putting together the (5000+) pictures I've taken in college and am trying a nearly impossible task of condensing them into a 60-page scrapbook!

I've been scrapbooking for several years (I worked at Michael's when I was in high school which is where I caught the bug), and have worked on digital art for a few years as well, so digital scrapbooking seemed like the perfect way to go. I've done a few digital pages previously but I'd really like to hone my skills for this book!

Besides scrapbooking, I am a sports fanatic. My favorite is hockey, but really, if your team name is the NY Mets, NY Rangers, NY Giants, Colorado Avalanche or Nashville Predators, you can do no wrong in my eyes! I also like music, Joni Mitchell has been on repeat for the last week or so.

That's about it, kind of long winded but I figured why the heck not? I'm looking forward to learning a lot here and (hopefully) sharing my stuff too!


ONA - Administrator
Hi there Cindie! Welcome to the O! You will lots of talented designers here and a wonderful and supportive community! Just holler if you need to ask any questions!!


Well-Known Member
Hi Cindie! Welcome aboard! WOW, 5000+pics?! You came to the right place for inspiration. I can't wait to see some of your pages :).

Casey Krause

Well-Known Member
Welcome Cindie!!! You are going to absolutely love it here. I am so glad I found this place and I have been hooked ever since. Congrats on graduating in 2 weeks!!!! You go girl!


The Loopy-O
HellO Cindie! So happy that you are here. That sounds like a lot of photos to go through but you came tot he right place for inspiration :)
