
New from Idaho


I am pretty new here, I think, so I should introduce myself.
I am really new to digi-scrapping. Learning the art of photography, self taught. Mother, wife, rancher/farmer in the great potato state and grandma.
I love the outdoors, warm indoors, a good book, quilting and doing up a new recipe.

What do I want
1. how to have my photo have the wow factor.
2. what to do with my ever growing drives of photos
3. get my photos printed

Glad for all the inspiration that is shared here.


Well-Known Member
welcome to the O Barb!! Looking forward to getting to know you. I want all of the same things you want so you're in good company! :)


Well-Known Member
Hi Barb! I'm from the other Iowa...and for some reason, people always think we grow potatoes here. :) Love your passion for photography...it is shared by many of us. Glad that you stopped to introduce yourself and can't wait to get to know you better!


Welcome Barb from western BC

you'll love it here - everyone is ready to give help - participation in the challenges is a great way to get started.

Check out the copycat challenge where you'll have a template freebie - lots of goodies in the freebies section in the shop.

Another great inspiration (they're doing it again 2010) is the 52 Weeks Inspiration Subscription where each week you receive a mini-kit. Check this section in the shop too.
You can buy the kits individually or subscribe (great value) for the year.

If you need help just shout- and again welcome


Well-Known Member
Hi Barb from a fellow Idahoan. I just checked your blog and figured out that we live in the same town. And you take some beautiful pictures, especially the ones of the falls. If you ever have any questions, I'd be more than happy to help!


...loves her some "O"
welcome, barb!! you will love love love it here!!!! can't wait to enjoy your photography on your pages!! yay!!


ONA - Administrator
Hey Barb!! Welcome to the O!! so glad you found us and looking forward to seeing all of your photos and layouts!!! :)


I lOve Me Some O!
Hi Barb! Welcome to the O!! You can definitely get lost in the galleries here looking at the amazing photos & LOs! :)