
Need Your Input :)


Well-Known Member
:hurt: Selena!!!

I need that technique added to every piece of equipment, appliance that I own!!!

Since I am known to do EVERYTHING the hard way....I could not begin to answer this question!! :eek2:


ROTFL Selena!

Seriously, Anna I can't think of anything off-hand - but then my thinking cap isn't working well today :)


Well-Known Member
I don't think I really want your stuff more automated. One of the things that I like about your products is that it pushes me to play out of the box and just do it. My natural tendency is not that way - at all - but once I start with your things, I never know where it's going and I Like That!

My only request is that you would add the AASPN to the actual title of each product. It's there in the zip, but once unzipped it's missing. All the products within each downloaded and opened file are so named, but not the main folder.
I don't think this is a technique but I would love it if the folder containing your downloads would have your initials at the front of it AASPN_kit name.

Everytime I buy something I have to go and add that to the front of each folder so that all of your supplies are easy to find on my hard drive. That sure would make my life a little bit easier. Is that the kind of thing you were looking for?


The Loopy-O
Cleaning my house so that I can scrap more?! :hurt:

And can I second that with an addendum of cooking dinner?? LOL

On that note- I have to agree with Maureen. As someone who feels like her creativity is pretty limited, I have been thoroughly enjoying the "play" aspect of using your products. Does it take me longer to do a LO? Sure. But am I happier and more open during the process? You bet! Do I love the results?? 100%!!!


Well-Known Member
Ditto to what Chris just said....I honestly can' t think of anything that needs to be more automated. You have so much in your artplay kits and it's so uber to play with them.


I'm not quite sure what you mean by "automating a technique", but definitely agree with Kathleen and Maureen regarding folder naming. A standard, consistent naming structure for your folders would make finding and organizing much simpler. As is now, it's a bit of a guessing game as to what it might be.

I'm so glad you're here at OScraps and simply love your designs!


I don't quite understand what you want re. naming kits/folders -
Each product has AASPN_ before each item/paper name - with the name of the kit.

Actually, Anna does have a consistent method for naming her ArtPlay Palette kit folders. Elements, Brushes, Paperie, Overlays
When you unzip the kits these are created for you under the main folder the name of the kit - mind you they don't have AASPN in front.

Items are easily identified:


At least when I unzip the file all mine are named like this. I'm using Windows 7 but it did the same in Vista.

Do yours unzip in a different format?

I have my Anna Main folder then sub-folders - like it takes 2 seconds to type AASPN_ if you want the folders named this way.
I have my own method for organising and naming folders so it's not a problem for me.

With knowing the kit name I have no difficulty finding items - and I have over 10 Gb of Anna's goodies alone.

And yes, I do have other designers on my HD :)
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I just unzipped my new Autumn Haze kit and this is how it unzipped:

ArtPlay Palette Autumn Haze A
\Brush Set

ArtPlay Palette Autumn Haze B
\Tranfers and Overlays

I believe you will find all the ArtPlay Palettes will be in this format. I have at least a dozen (actually more) of Anna's kits and they all unzipped in this way

As to individual items such as scripttease, frames, etc that you buy they unzip in their specific name folder.

Hope this is of some help?
I have used the old Unzip Programme and now using the Windows 7 unzip.


Thank everyone.

The naming of that main product folder is a dilemma for me. While I relize it's not what all the other designers do, it is a naming convention that has reamined consistent for the last almost 9 years. For those that ask me to put the AASPN in front of the name, there are others who want me to keep my methods the same.

My dilemma is this... Do I side with one or the other or keep my system consistent in the face of so many organizational systems?

I'm definitely open to input.



Well-Known Member
I would agree with renaming also as the only thing to "automate." I rename everything "AA" in my file when unzipped. I'm not sure what you mean by "automate," but I like things just the way they are. Making things "simpler" IMO would be taking away creativity and that is what we like about your products.


I don't think I really want your stuff more automated. One of the things that I like about your products is that it pushes me to play out of the box and just do it. My natural tendency is not that way - at all - but once I start with your things, I never know where it's going and I Like That!

My only request is that you would add the AASPN to the actual title of each product. It's there in the zip, but once unzipped it's missing. All the products within each downloaded and opened file are so named, but not the main folder.
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Whatever you decide to do Anna, I believe the decision should be what's easiest for you!

Many of us have been buying your products for years and for us it will be a nuisance to change so many folders (mind you I'm not really affected as I have my own system)

But, for your new fans who have only a few kits is it so difficult to just rename the folder - it is only typing in 5 characters -

The name of the kit is there so it's just a matter of adding AASPN_

If they keep all your products under one main folder (e.g. Anna or AASPN_) it shouldn't be a problem finding things -
Your unique way of naming items makes searching easy :)

I really don't understand the problem - unless other's zip programmes unzip differently to mine. (see my previous post)

Each person has their own organising method - some use ACDSee, others Elements Organiser, others by folders or colour.

The old saying "you can't please everyone all the time" comes to mind, thus my opinion is:

Do what is EASIEST for you!



Well-Known Member
Jacqueline, I too have been buying Anna's designs for years and have renamed each folder with her 'initials' just as each item is inside the folder."The name of the kit is there so it's just a matter of adding AASPN_" which I do and have done consistently.

Since Anna asked, I responded with the same answer I gave her when this topic came up at Designer Digitals. Obviously, I can live with any choice Anna makes but my preference remains the same. Anna, you can do what you like and what makes the most business sense to you!


Well-Known Member
the only thing that comes to mind is extractions lol...if something out there was free and did all the extractions perfectly for me....AWESOME!


Well-Known Member
but i dont MAKE designs i just USE them...so this may not be what you are asking about LOL


:sorry: Apologies, Maureen - I didn't mean to offend you or anyone! :sorry:

It's just, to me, such a little thing - I want Anna designing not worrying about how we organise our files unless it affect her sales in some way?

My opinions are strictly my own and I certainly didn't expect them to be taken personally. I'm truly sorry if I appeared to be rude.

I suppose, because I've never had a problem with the naming, it hasn't occurred to me that this is an issue.
Each person has their own method and for me I'm happy unzipping as the files are now.

I do appreciate the naming of the kit in the description - find that a plus! Thank-you, Anna

I will now be quiet on the subject - :tape2:


Hi Maureen,

I think if 'm honest most agree with you but I also have had many answer ti the contrary. I also have a 1000 + files that aren't named int his manner and it would definitely jack up my own system.

It's an issue that is continually raised and something I think about frequently. I just wonder if it would go away if I changed my system?

Thanks for your support regardless Maureen :)

Jacqueline, I too have been buying Anna's designs for years and have renamed each folder with her 'initials' just as each item is inside the folder."The name of the kit is there so it's just a matter of adding AASPN_" which I do and have done consistently.

Since Anna asked, I responded with the same answer I gave her when this topic came up at Designer Digitals. Obviously, I can live with any choice Anna makes but my preference remains the same. Anna, you can do what you like and what makes the most business sense to you!


Cupcake Ninja
Ladies - whatever you decide to do, there are batch file renaming programs (free) for both windows and MAC and you can change your files that way if you need to.

ACDSee has a batch rename within it also and I know a lot of you use that. Hope that helps!