
More earthquakes


The Loopy-O
Oh my... this is crazy news... I was reading about the earthquake in Chile, then saw there was one yesterday in Japan. Now I see there was also one in Argentina.

Yam, I know that Argentina is huge- and I have no clue on where you are in relation to Salta. My prayers are with you, and as well as with everyone being affected by this.


Well-Known Member
Oh Chris...I am with you .... My heart goes out to everyone that this affects!!! This is just terrible!!!


Well-Known Member
Actually, we were woke up at 3:34 in the morning from the earthquake from Chile! From a complete sleep, you go to a tremedous alert state, suddenly you find yourself standing by your bed, and YOU KNOW...it's weird! The bed was moving like it was posses and the lamps and mirrors were shacking...and I am in Argentina! Can't imagine then how it was the REAL thing!
What I found it weird is that the dogs in the neighborhood didn't bark, there was just silence! (usually they bark for everything), even my dog didn't came from under the posses bed!!!!


Yam, you take care - my thoughts and prayers with you - hard to believe you felt the Chilean earthquake in Argentina....

Did you have an additional one? You're not on the Pacific Fault line are you??

Just us silly people that live on the West Coast - SF, Vancouver etc... I vaguely remember one when I was a small child - threw me out of bed.. very scary


Well-Known Member
Yam, can't believe that you felt that earthquake all the way from Chile. I hope that nothing was damaged in your home. What a scary way to be awaken! Glad that you are okay.


Well-Known Member
I live in a house, but store buildings were evacuated by scared people.
No, nothing broke,
Yes, we had 3 earthquakes in the North of Argentina today. The biggest was just 6.1 in Salta...but they say it's normal to the place and not connected to the one in Chile...I am not on the Pacific Fault line but in the South America fault line...


ONA - Administrator
How scary is this!! hope everyone fairs okay. Kym, are you affected by the predicted tsunamis?? Hope all is fine at your place! :) and Yam, that would have been so frightening, so glad you are okay!


Well-Known Member
Wow ladies this is all so scary!! ((hugs)) Yam I am glad to hear you are safe.

Tsunami's and Earthquakes...wow!


Well-Known Member
Wow...Yam...I so happy you were not affected...but to feel the one all the way from Chile!!! SCARY stuff!!!! ((((HUGS))))


I lOve Me Some O!
With all these earthquakes my dad is worried The New Madrid fault might go too. Not actively worried, just mentioned the possibility.


Well-Known Member
Wow Yam I am thinking of you today. I know how scary it is to be in a earthquake it is panic. But I am so glad you are ok. I was thinking of you!!