
Meet Braxton!


The Loopy-O
Nope, Braxton is not a new baby or pet in the family. Not a boyfriend or significant other. If you read the Daily Ooos, you might have heard me talk about home, perhaps you have even seen some pictures.
Braxton has actually been part of the family for well over a year now but I don't think I ever formally introduced him.
Braxton is the family skeleton and he has had a seat in the dining room since last Spring. Literally! My SIL got my husband a bunch of plastic skeletons for his birthday last year, knowing that he will put them to good use when he decorates the lawn for Halloween. Most of them found places in the basement to be stored but this one was left back until Gary made some more room. If any of you have packrats for husbands, you will understand the whole- "no room in the basement for a skeleton" bit. So yeah, still waiting for him to make room.

At any rate, the skeleton was put on one of the extra chairs and became part of the decor. We were doing Theme Nights and at some point decided that he needed to be part of the event. He would get dressed up for the theme. After we stopped doing Theme Nights, we would dress him seasonally. In June he was wearing sunglasses, flip-flops, and was holding sunscreen, he did not want to bleach those bones.
Here are some pictures of him all dressed up and nowhere to go!

Wizard Night/Christmas in July/ Luau
Casino Night/Redneck Night

Our next Theme Night is Spaceballs Theme- maybe Baxter will dress up like Dark Helmet? Or would he be better as Lone Star?