
May we introduce...


always chatty at the O!!
Please welcome our new Cheery-O's to the Oscraps team. It was so hard
to choose just a few. All of these ladies are amazing and I cannot wait to
see their awesomeness at work.​

Congrats to all of you lucky ladies!!!
And I'm also very happy with my guestspot.
Specially if I see all those big names; wow this is fantastic....what do I say this is O-some Xx
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Yeah, I am having a fantastic time since I know I am in the super Cheery-O' team!
Much excitement and happiness :)

Just think I am a very lucky girl :cheer2:
I am still dancing a happy dance because in In! :cheer2::drum:

Congrats to the other ladies!
Congratulations to the new Cheery-O's & the guests and I'm glad I didn't have to chose from this talented and artistic group!

welcome, welcome

we can never have to much :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:
What a fun place to play this is truly! I am so excited and I want to tell everyone...the reason this place is so awesome is the backroom is run so extraordinary. You can relax and know that they are busy back there, getting sales, challenges and the most delicious designs all in order for you! For YOU! That is the key...
I am just so excited to help out, because if I can help another scrapper press on and get memories on a page...woot with a capital W! Lets do it!!
:champagne Congrats to all the talented new Cheery-O's!!

I am really happy to be guesting and joining in all the fun :-) Thank you for this great opportunity!!

Cecilia aka MissK