
Making a comeback...


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody! I have thought of the O often the past few weeks. I've been out since October due to a very difficult season in our family. Dad has Alz. and sis has Parkinson's with dementia. They both have had major changes in their conditions and our family has been in what I would call a tornado-quake for 5 months. We are just now beginning to level out a bit. The "Long Goodbye" is nothing to joke about. I just didn't have it in me to do digital for all this time. I barely could continue with my textile/fiber art projects needed to keep prior commitments. I think I am shifting into a different place with all that and digital art may return to my life. I thank all of you who have been so kind, positive, and helpful. I am glad The O is still alive and kickin'!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Hey everybody! I have thought of the O often the past few weeks. I've been out since October due to a very difficult season in our family. Dad has Alz. and sis has Parkinson's with dementia. They both have had major changes in their conditions and our family has been in what I would call a tornado-quake for 5 months. We are just now beginning to level out a bit. The "Long Goodbye" is nothing to joke about. I just didn't have it in me to do digital for all this time. I barely could continue with my textile/fiber art projects needed to keep prior commitments. I think I am shifting into a different place with all that and digital art may return to my life. I thank all of you who have been so kind, positive, and helpful. I am glad The O is still alive and kickin'!
I'm SO sorry to hear all of this, Amanda. How awful and you have so many things going on with your family. It has helped me in my "grief process" to keep on scrapping, especially to pour my heart on in our Art Journaling Challenges. We'd LOVE to have you back and maybe you could find some solace in AJ. We even have a super awesome Divided Template that we offer (not sure if you've seen that) but it has helped me to take my grief journey "in small chunks". Hugs to you and your entire family.


Well-Known Member
Amanda, you have had a lot to deal with. I hope your life now settles for you to be able to create more art. My thoughts and prayers are with you. :hug2:


Well-Known Member
I lost my mom 11 weeks ago and ALZ was part of her story too. I took some time off initially but now scrapping is definitely a major part of my processing and healing. I look forward to maybe seeing some of your work with the AJ challenge. Welcome back. I hope you find some comfort here.


ONA - Administrator
Oh Amanda, what a stressful time you have been having!!! Sending big hugs :hug2: and lots of positive thoughts for the future. xx

So happy to see you back with us and I truly have missed your wonderful AJ pages! As Cheryl mentioned above, perhaps slowly getting back into that AJ area to creatively express your thoughts and feelings may ease some the stress. :heartpumpred:


The Loopy-O
I wish I had words to help ease your stress but I do have hugs to share :grouphugyay:
I hope you can come back and scrap and heal as you deal with your heartbreaking family situations.


Love my O Family!
Hey everybody! I have thought of the O often the past few weeks. I've been out since October due to a very difficult season in our family. Dad has Alz. and sis has Parkinson's with dementia. They both have had major changes in their conditions and our family has been in what I would call a tornado-quake for 5 months. We are just now beginning to level out a bit. The "Long Goodbye" is nothing to joke about. I just didn't have it in me to do digital for all this time. I barely could continue with my textile/fiber art projects needed to keep prior commitments. I think I am shifting into a different place with all that and digital art may return to my life. I thank all of you who have been so kind, positive, and helpful. I am glad The O is still alive and kickin'!
I was just thinking about you the other day, Amanda! I feel your pain as my mom died from Alzheimer's. It is definitely not fun to deal with and is just sad! The long goodbyes are so hard! Praying for your family! :praying2: :praying2: :praying2:
Love your siggie!


all i need is Oscraps, cOffee, chOcOlate & tOfu
My English is never enough for this. But my HUGS are international. Sending one over the water & wraps you in warmth, hope and strength!


Well-Known Member
Thank you, everyone. I was doing fairly well with Dad - being far away in some aspects helps. BUT the fall he took changed everything for him, Mom and our family. We had done our best to prepare for the Alzheimer's effects, and thankful for good nearly 90 years of life and 73 of marriage. But to abruptly see him put in a home - - separated from all family , Mom, against his will- was/is too much. If you know anything about Alz, you know change is never good for the patient. Dad has always been my Rock Seeing him in despair is new and hard to take. Debbie, well, honestly, I have not allowed my mind to go there...it is overwhelming to think of both of them at once. I'm pretty sure her passing will hit me like a brick wall. I made a page, but the process was not a good one. Sitting making it causes me to dwell on it & makes me angry and irritable; maybe I'm not ready yet... :thinking2:


Oh, Amanda... so sorry to hear about your dad. It is a horrible disease and affects everyone in the family. I am keeping you and the family in my prayers. :hug2:


Well-Known Member
I am so sorry to hear all you are going through right now. I have no advice but hugs. When my dad passed, I couldn't scrap anything of him or about him for a long time, over a year. If you want to scrap, do something silly and unrelated. My dogs are my go to when I need to scrap about life that isn't hard. :hug4:


Well-Known Member
You are going through so much right now. It must be hard for you.
I hope you make it back the the scrapping community :hug4:


I love the "O"
What an intense time for you and your family.
My father passed away 4 weeks ago, even though he also had many age-related ailments and was a heart patient, this has a major impact on your life. Everything revolves around your parents, you want to be there for them, and your life is all about taking care of them.
Be sure to take good care of yourself, because sometimes it is necessary to get some rest.
Big hugs :hug1:


Queen of the Universe
I hope that you and your family can come through these situations with grace and peace.