
June Challenge #2 - Artist Inspiration


Well-Known Member
Well, this was a new concept for me... I wanted to get some brushes out and really add some texture... I had trouble figuring out what inspired me, I got caught up in wanting to replicate... I considered a pathway /like a road, but when I saw the image I ended up choosing, I knew exactly what I photos I was going to use... the colors in my photos reminded me of the colors in her image... I had a terrible time catching her image to post here... finally took a photo of it and am not sure how well it is going to display. Truthfully I have had a problem seeing the inspiration from Peggy's paintings in many of the pages here, and I wanted to be true to the challenge as I understood it... I still have another page to get done and time is flying past so this is it for now... used a REALLY old Anna template that I thought would be perfect!!!



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The O is my hOme.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the June Artist Inspiration Challenge. Y'all all did a fabulous job.