
I'm all excited


Well-Known Member
I've just signed up for the Blending and Beyond class with Jana Morton
have any of you done that one??


back hOme and loving it
I haven't either, but I can see why you're excited !
hope you enjoy your class :)


Well-Known Member
I took this class the first time she taught it, and it was really fun. Jana has a very engaging style and her blending technique is unique. She offers a nice add on to the class for alumni. Thinking about taking the add on because it's a style so outside my comfort zone that I liked the forum/gallery support. You will get a lot out of it, enjoy!


lOve the O!
I wanted to, signed up for the generations class which starts for real in September. Blending is next on my list!


Well-Known Member
I took Jana`s class and I loved it!! She is a great teacher!! You will enjoy it!!

Gallery Admin

Well-Known Member
I haven't done it - but I've heard lots of people say how great it was -
lucky you - I've depleted my class budget for this year but hope to do it in future for sure!


Well-Known Member
I keep hoping that she will change the class to self paced, the timing for me never works out. When I have a little extra it's not offered and when it's offered I don't have the extra for it.


Well-Known Member
oh great to have a buddy in there Ona, but but you know all about blending don't you?


Well-Known Member
I keep hoping that she will change the class to self paced, the timing for me never works out. When I have a little extra it's not offered and when it's offered I don't have the extra for it.

Can you not go back to the class all the time then? I thought once you signed up it would be available as long as the website exsists.
Oh well I'll just have to put the rest of my life on hold whilst the classes are on.

Scrappie Irene

Well-Known Member
Ellen, I joined you!
I checked out the site over and over again and was really doubting if I shall learn something new or not, but then I decided I would never know if I didn't sign up!
So I did!


Well-Known Member
I took it in the spring. I wasn't sure either if I would learn anything "new" about blending, but boy was I wrong! I absolutely LOVED her class! I was busy this summer with 2 weddings in the family and a computer that went down, but I signed up for it anyway and I am GLAD I did! I was able to participate some, but no worries, you can always go back to the gallery and ask questions. Jana is ALWAYS available and so accomodating. Also, your classes are filed after you take it in "self-paced," so you can always refer to it later. I will be doing that now. I learned so much (it was not so much about blending "modes" as in her method of blending photos into backgrounds. You won't be sorry :)


Well-Known Member
Ellen, I just got lost in the goodness over there. We all know that I don't hardly ever do blending so I decided that I am in!


Well-Known Member
oh more buddies joining in that's great Irene and Linda and other Linda is in as well.
I'm glad it's in self paced afterwards, those webinairs are in the middle of the night for me so I won't see those unless i cannot sleep.:grin:

Scrappie Irene

Well-Known Member
One of the life webinars is on half past nine in the evening for us Ellen. It's the second life session. I only have to find out if my webcam is working.


Well-Known Member
Irene, you won't need a webcam, as only Jana is on webcam, all others just type in their questions.

One of the life webinars is on half past nine in the evening for us Ellen. It's the second life session. I only have to find out if my webcam is working.


Well-Known Member
thank goodness for that , I wouldn't know how to switch the thing on as I never use it.


Well-Known Member
Sure wish I was in this class with Ona and Irene, it's going to be a rockin class! I'm going to be checking in the gallery for sure!


Feeling Owsome at the O!
I 've been on her website once and it seems to me that the classes are great! Alas my budget don't let me take part..


Well-Known Member
I'm joining you as I had my eye on this class for a while. I will have to try & make time for it! Looking forward to it!