
hOme Organizing Support: August 24-31


Well-Known Member
Clara, something I do that helps is set a timer. When it goes off, I know just how long I've been on the computer. Otherwise, those minutes run into hours. I think just being more aware and not being on your computer on autopilot might help.

When the time goes off, make yourself walk away even if it's just for 5 minutes.

Something else I've been doing is turning my monitor off. If I leave it on, I just have to check my mail one more time or the forum one more time. This does seem to help me a lot. A black monitor is not near as tempting as a pretty desktop.


always chatty at the O!!
Thanks Merkee!!

I think I need to definately invest in a timer. the good thing about having a laptop is that I always close it when I am away from it. I think maybe I need to start putting it away when I am not using it. Cuz I am the same way...one more e-mail, one more forum, and oh I forgot...


Well-Known Member
Oh my word I so need to make a sign and hang it above my washer as a reminder :) *LOL*

So, something I need help with too, any suggestions are welcome. I have a bit of a computer problem.
I hear you!!! I also seem to move to the computer when I have free time. I'm listening to the suggestions too :)

Clara, something I do that helps is set a timer.
Ohhhh Merkee that is a fabulous idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well my thing came today and unfortunately I cannot read it til tonight when DH & DS go to football camp :) Little man is not letting me have time to read :)

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
WAHHHH girls - you're scaring me with your organisation! I'm still on holiday with only patchy internet connections so I haven't been able to read up on and find out all the tips you're suggesting. But back at the weekend and only one more week before the kids go back to school, so I'm looking forward to getting my life & house back in order.

I know this isn't an option for most of us, but my washing machine died recently and I took the plunge and bought a large drum replacement (it can do 8kg of washing instead of the usual 5 kg) and OMG it has made such a difference to my laundry issues. I can do our entire family clothes wash (there are 5 of us) in just two loads. Bliss! My biggest problem now is having enough space to hang the wet washing - so I end up using my drier more than I'd like!


The Loopy-O
good morning O-FLYers!

You are all so inspiring to me-- I seriously have gotten more done in my house in the last 2 days than I have in the last month. :)
I took out the vacuum and went around all of the furniture/walls/basebds in my bedroom. I am ashamed to admit how much dist and furI sucked up. I have a bagless vac. and over half of the container was filled. Just from the edges!

Selena- my parents got me a Whirlpool Duet set as a housewarming gift when we had the addition put on 5 yrs ago. My goodness, I never thought I would say it, but I *love* my washer/dryer! It is a front loader, high efficiency. and I can't get over how much I can stuff in there!

I can't do a load a day b/c of my septic tank issues, but to stay in my routines, I make sure I sort and prep laundry on the days I am not doing laundry.

Here are Wednesday's Email Reminders

Today's Mission is to dust all of the surfaces in your MBR- this one is goign to be tougher for me b/c my dresser is now the holding place for junk. Must declutter/find homes for all of that first :)


Well-Known Member
Very quickly....I have made the bed...cleaned the kitchen and started a load of laundry....and I have showered and dressed (also been out once).....wwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!


Well-Known Member
Awesome girls! I am going to consider jumping in on this one! I have done Motivated Moms for 3 years so, I will have to see if I can "convert"!


Well-Known Member
Okay, it's almost one, but today so far, the beds have been made and everybody dressed since early, the laundry is going.... but I must admit there is a load sitting on the couch behind me burning a hole in my back.
Bathrooms are nicely swished and swiped, I'm pretty good with that.
I think there are dishes sitting next to the sink waiting to be put away, but I'll do that when I go make lunch in a minute.
I am now two days behind on daily missions, yikes. SO far that makes me one for three days. Oh well, baby steps, right?


Well-Known Member
Ok....I ended up not going back out today with my DH...so I de-cluttered my living room....YAY!! This is so good for me....It took me about an hour or a little longer....I washed another load of clothes...I scrapped a page for CT for Merkee...getting ready to fold the clothes and them go pick up my little man from school (the bus)...if I feel froggy enough, I may just clean the bathroom (I usually do that on Fridays...but should be doing it every other day).

Chris...you ROCK for starting this!!!!


Well-Known Member
Okay, bed is made, dog is walked, I've dusted the bedroom and cleaned the windows. They were bad. I didn't really notice until I tried to dust the windowsill. I guess you just get to where you don't see this stuff until you look for it.

I'm caught up on the laundry. Finished that yesterday. Sink is empty and shiny. I'm washing the blinds for the bedroom and then I'm going to design a little.

I agree, Chris you so ROCK. I've been with Flylady on and off since she first came out and she has really helped. But I've never truly held myself accountable. Coming here and posting is helping me do the zone work which I usually skip. I smile when I walk in my bedroom now.


The Loopy-O
I agree, Chris you so ROCK. I've been with Flylady on and off since she first came out and she has really helped. But I've never truly held myself accountable. Coming here and posting is helping me do the zone work which I usually skip. I smile when I walk in my bedroom now.
OMG- you and Linda and everyone *you* all rock for getting *my* butt going!
My bedroom is just yucky. It is the only room in the house that hsan't been reallykept up with since we moved in 14 yrs ago. The carpet is yucky, Ravyn chewed up my good bedspread so now I am using an old shabby one, and I had craft supplies all over my dresser from Faery-Wings.

I can't do anything about the rug, except keep it better vacuumed, and the bed looks nicer just being made. I put all of craft stuff back away and my room looks soooo much nicer!

I swear, I wouldn't have done it if it weren't for you guys!



always chatty at the O!!
So, I am not yet doing zones, because I am a one step at a time type of girl, and I am just not there yet. I'm going to somewhat stick to the first 31 days first, although I have gotten a little ahead of myself.

So, last night I got the sink all sparkly, but then it got dishes in it and wasn't sparkly anymore. Whah! I thought about cleaning it out, but then realized that the dishwasher had clean dishes in it, so I decided not to reclean it out, since I did already do it and wait until morning when I unload the dishes. If I get too obsessive I'll freak out and throw in the towel eventually. So, Il eft the handful of dishes overnight and then this morning I emptied the dishwasher and put all the dishes in and it was all good. I did forget to make my bed though. I meant to, too. I'm bummed I forgot that. It is all good. Last night when I got into bed and it was all made I made comment to dh abouthow nice it is to get into a made bed instead of scavenging for covers. He agreed. But one step at a time.

I have a start date to start working on the weight. My friend Cyndi is coming on the cruise with us in February and she wants to lose some weight too. Since we have the same goal it might make thing easier. We'll see. But we are going to get motivated after she gets back from a trip to Alaska so that is when we start...a week from Monday. What I really need to do is find a way to exercise. I just hate it. It is no fun to me at all and I can't get my brain wrapped around it. Ugh!! One day at a time.

Digi Designz

Well-Known Member
OMG i am such a flylady fan! I have to admit though since moving into our new house I havnt really been doing that much but before we moved honestly it the only thing that got us through the move itself if I didnt do the entire clean sweep of the house before and got rid of all the xtra stuffs....the move woulda been hell!

I'm totally into this tho I wanna play along to....so its bedroom this week right??

My room sucks....its not that its really a mess but since we moved we had to leave our bed frame behind (we couldnt fit it) so its just a mattress/bedspring on the floor...ok I just checked Major dustbunnies....I guess there is work to be done in there :)


The Loopy-O
Alicia-- Wooot!! So glad you are joining us!!! :D:D:D
And for anyone else lurking, jump in at any time- the more the merrier!!!

LOL Merkee and Diane!! Great pic!!! puppy kisses to Ginger!!
(why do dogs like tissues so much?? Gah!!)


The Loopy-O
This is going to have to be quick, I am so totally running late. Gotta get to work this morning and I am hoping that I can squeeze in today's chores before I leave, I know by the time I get home, I am going to be pooped out.

Here areThursday's Email Reminders

And today's mission--- whew! Its a quick one... clean your light switches and door knobs. That I can do pretty quickly.

I do have a little tip for your Swish and Swipe.....I keep a container of Lysol wipes in every bathroom. Each morning, I grab a bag, collect all of the garbage in the bathrooms- while I am doing that, I use a wipe to wipe down the sink and toilet, then the dirty wipe goes right into my garbage bag.

This sounds gross, I guess, but when I am done putting on my make-up, I use the "clean" side of the cotton ball to wipe up any drips or loose powder.

Have an *awesome* day!!!


The Loopy-O
Clara-- good for you! I have done FLYLady (not like that sounds- :cool:) on and off for years, so I have the basics down pretty good. But what you are doing is perfect-- Baby steps!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok...too much to do today to be "flying:...ugghhhh!! will get back to work tomorrow!! But I have a question: can we get a "O-FLY" blinkie?? that would be cool!!

Digi Designz

Well-Known Member
ok so I emptied the dishwasher and loaded it first thing this morning thats about all I got done but its a start right :)

I can do the knobs and switches easily enough today!


Well-Known Member
Hey Merkee, How's your bathroom? Is flydog still helping you?
ROFL...yeah, she's helping all right. She can make a mess faster than I can clean it. The problem is she's so cute doing it, it's hard not to laugh which of course encourages her.


Well-Known Member
Okay, I've made the bed, shined the sink, walked the dog and started a small load of laundry. I'm off to clean the switches and knobs. Good tip Chris, with our new puppy, I can't keep my toilet bowl stuff where I used to and I forget to do it when it's out of site. The lysol wipes I can keep on the counter.


always chatty at the O!!
I need to write out calendar so i know what to do everyday. I'm stressed today for some reason. my dh is making me crazy thins week. not sure what his deal is. but i'm feeling a little crazed at the moment. i'll get it all written out on my calendar though so that i know exactly what to do each day. i'll be gone for several days next weekend so should i just put everything on halt or skip those days. thoughts??

i did get my sink clean last night and emptied the dishwasher this morning. I feel really good taking care of the house in the mornings.


Well-Known Member
i'll be gone for several days next weekend so should i just put everything on halt or skip those days. thoughts??
Clara, the main thing is not to get stressed but to take baby steps. If you are going to be gone, don't worry about it. Either pick up where you left off when you return or start again. Whichever will work the best for you. It's not a race, it's slow conditioning to build routines and habits that will help to keep your house in order.



Well-Known Member
Yeah...I already keep the wipes on my counter...and give a little swish...probably not everyday like I should...but I don't put makeup on everyday..since I don't go out everyday.....But they are a big help on just tidying up a tad...even it's not a "clean the bathroom" day...it looks clean.

Clara....ITA with Merkee...it's not worth stressing over..it won't work for you if you are stressing about it!! BABY STEPS is the key to anything!! did not do anything in my house today....didn't have time....I probably could do a little now...but I am way too pooped. I tell you what I am doing...I am trying to get my whole house decluttered before I start keeping the new baby...so I am going one room at a time...then once I actually get them all done....I am going to see if I can go more by the program...use it as a guide and make it your own if you need to so it will work for you!! (((HUGS))) It's all good!!

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
Hi girls, I'm back in the land of good internet connections and I've finally got to the end of all the posts and tips from the Domestic Goddess herself.

But I just have to ask.....shoes? Seriously? I've spent 8 yrs trying to get my kids & DH to take their shoes off as soon as they get in the house. My rule has always been shoes off and straight into the shoe cabinet (we have a lovely one from China) and those that want - ie: only me! - can put on slippers. Otherwise you end up with all that outside crud on your carpets and knowing my luck with DS1, spread throughout the house. My indoor slippers still allow me to take out the rubbish (which is a whole 2 strides from my front door).

This is one Asian habit I've been extremely pleased to take up (it's considered the height of rudeness to keep your outside shoes on in someone's house) and have no intention of breaking. Is anyone else just ignoring this part of the FLYlady's mantra?


always chatty at the O!!
Hi girls, I'm back in the land of good internet connections and I've finally got to the end of all the posts and tips from the Domestic Goddess herself.

But I just have to ask.....shoes? Seriously? I've spent 8 yrs trying to get my kids & DH to take their shoes off as soon as they get in the house. My rule has always been shoes off and straight into the shoe cabinet (we have a lovely one from China) and those that want - ie: only me! - can put on slippers. Otherwise you end up with all that outside crud on your carpets and knowing my luck with DS1, spread throughout the house. My indoor slippers still allow me to take out the rubbish (which is a whole 2 strides from my front door).

This is one Asian habit I've been extremely pleased to take up (it's considered the height of rudeness to keep your outside shoes on in someone's house) and have no intention of breaking. Is anyone else just ignoring this part of the FLYlady's mantra?

I wear flip flops in the house...just because I hate to wear shoes if I can help it. I think my feet are clausterphobic. I think the point is to get as ready for the day as possible to kinda jump start you. I would think having your slippers on would work awesome.


The Loopy-O
Good morning- happy Friday!!
We have finished one weeks worth of clening/missions. You rock!

Here are Friday's Email Reminders

Today's mission is to flip your mattress and fluff your pillows- Ain't no way Gary and/or I can flip that monster mattress we have :lol: But I love putting my pillows in the dryer- I am going to get the kids to do it too. :)


The Loopy-O
Selena- I am not crazy about the shoe thing either. I go by "putting in my contacts" as the trigger to get into "work" mode. I the summer I am usually barefoot and in the winter, y'all know I live in fuzzy socks! I have fake crocs that I keep on a boot tray by the door for when I have to run outside and I have fake fuzzy crocs for winter. That does me fine.
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The Loopy-O
Clara, the main thing is not to get stressed but to take baby steps. If you are going to be gone, don't worry about it. Either pick up where you left off when you return or start again. Whichever will work the best for you. It's not a race, it's slow conditioning to build routines and habits that will help to keep your house in order.

Exactly!!! I know FlyLady says this too- but I am going to reiterate (my $10 word for the day hahah!)-- this is not about being perfect- and this is not about stressing out either.
Do what you can, when you can, eventually you will be doing little bits during the day and you won't feel like you are having to do the whole CHAOS or crisis cleaning.
I even tricked myself into doing a modified room rescue- when I have an extra min or two, I put away 5 things. Pick up and put away 5 things, while I am waiting for water to boil, the kids to come downstairs, on the phone etc....

Once you start seeing a difference in your sink or entire home, you will instinctively not want to mess it up.

And someday I will hope that that instinct spreads to my family!


Well-Known Member
Ok...putting pillows in the dryer. Never heard of that. But it sounds kind of nice. I think I may need to read backwards.