
Holiday Blues


I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
Does anyone else ADORE the holiday season, but at the same time get the blues? I thought I had been getting better, but this year it's started even before we've had Thanksgiving!

For context, my Momma died in a car accident on Christmas Day night in 2015. It was her absolute favorite time of the year, and she would keep her tree up long after it was a fire hazard. She loved everything about it, and she passed that down to me. For the first few years I would have moments of teariness, but it went away pretty fast. The past few years it seemed to be getting better, but this year it's already started. I hear a Christmas song: tears. I see decorations out: tears. I think it's partly due to the fact that my SIL's mom died this week and it brought me back to the week when my Momma died. I don't stay in it; It passes quickly and I talk myself out of it and remind myself how much she enjoyed it and I can enjoy it for her.

Maybe I need some new coping mechanisms. When/if you get the holiday blues, what do you do to get yourself out of it?


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Awww Susie I am so sorry that you get the blues over the holidays!! It is always hard to deal with the loss of our Mothers and I miss mine very much too! It was also my Mother’s fav time of the year and we had a large family 7 children so it was a wonderful noisy fun filled time when we were all together. Sadly times change and it seems Christmas is just not the same for us anymore. :sad2: Th.e worst is that our children and grandchildren all live so far away and we don’t get to spend time with them over the holidays. We hope to all be together next year though so that helps to make the season brighter


ONA - Administrator
That would have been such a terrible ordeal to go through Susie, with losing your Mum! :hug2: It is understandable that Christmas triggers so many emotions for you, no harm in shedding a few tears dear heart! ♥ Christmas time is family time and for a lot of people but that doesn't necessarily mean a happy time. All we can do is the best that we can under the circumstances that are relevant to our situation and find the joy where we can. It will be another quiet year for us as well with no family but our plans include some long phone conversations with the grandkids and grown up kids on Christmas Eve, then packing a nice lunch to have on ChristmasDay when we go for a drive to a place we haven't been to yet. Simple but fun. :)


Susie, I understand so well... I always loved the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Unfortunately my hubby's illness started the last week in October 2017 and he died the first week of January 2018. He was in the hospital or rehab during all that time. I do well most of the year - but the holiday season is very hard - some years are harder than others. Recognizing that can be causing me to feel blue... I give myself permission to have a couple of hours of remembering/being sad/cry/listen to sad songs... but then dry my tears, find something to do that I enjoy (reading, scrapping) or clean something or do other chores. You need to allow yourself to feel the sadness but try to limit it to a short time on those days. Try to find something good to remember or do and always look for those little things that bring a smile.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Hugs to you, Susie. I know how hard the holidays are for you and especially losing your mom on Christmas Day. This has to be such an emotional time for you. Hugs to you too, Kay @BrightEyes. Trudy @taxed4ever I hope you can all be together next year and Ona @wombat146 your quiet Christmas plans sound lovely. We never have ALL the grandkids, but most will be together this year.


The Loopy-O
I can't imagine how hard it must be, but I am sending everyone big hugs. I don't have any advice other than to feel what you are feeling and remember how strong you are. You already survived the worst of it. xo