
Hi, I'm new here.


Well-Known Member
I'm excited to get back into digitally scrapbooking after taking a 2 yr break from 'motherhood'. LOL! I went back to work while my husband finished his Master's and was the 'stay-at-home-dad'.

I'm looking forward to spending time scrapbooking after the floors are washed and the kids are napping :bathbaby: ...or everyone has gone to bed...after all, that's when moms get things done, right?? After everyone is in bed asleep for the night? LOL!

Okay, so give me the low-down....

I've tried to post things, comment, etc, but am having NO luck. : /

where do I start? It's changed slightly since I've been on 3 or 4 years ago!!!
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lOve the O!
can't post photos until you have 15 posts- for contests, the cheery-O's can help out. Fastest way to up the posts is still the gallery. :welcome: back


Well-Known Member
Hmmm..... any way to get those posts in before the biografitti challenge ends on Sunday? :)

what do you mean by the Cheery-o's can help out? Do I need to contact them? What? :) I'm all ears, and willing to learn how this works! (I feel so silly that I can't figure this out.) Thanks ya'all.


Well-Known Member
We can edit your post and add your photo/links in for you if you need it. :) We're good at that. And cheering people on! Like, "Go mythreesons! You can do it! You can scrapbook!!" :)

Comments in the gallery count towards your posting count. So if you go comment on a bunch of the other layouts in this week's designer challenge, it will be really easy to get to 15 for your posting count. Then you can add your own links in. But for the challenge, don't stress too much. If you just post in the Designer Spotlight Thread, we'll take care of it for you. :)

Welcome back!!!


Well-Known Member
cool! Okay...so I was finally able to make a gallery of sorts (from my beginning stuff like two/three years ago. Do those count???

Now, I'm going to try and post what I'd like to for the 'contest'...do I just upload it to my gallery? and link it somehow?

THANK YOU for the warm welcome and helpful tips!!!


always chatty at the O!!
I think you can link. Your posts will add up quick. Like Sara and Laurie said if you just go to the gallery and select a few LOs you like and comment you'll have those posts in no time and will be able to post away.

Welcome back to the world of scrapbooking again. i can't imagine not scrapping for years. I had to take a break for several months due to a move and it killed me. I'm glad you got to return to motherhood. Welcome to the O.


always chatty at the O!!
Oh, and for the contest...just upload LOs to your gallery and then give links in the challenge forum.


Welcome back to digiscrapping.

What they mean by quickly upping your post count is simply posting comments to other people's layouts. Super quick and easy to get the count up that way, plus you get a ton of inspiration too!


The Loopy-O
mythreesons- :welcome:

I see you have 15 posts! Good for you!
If you need any help, don't hesitate to shout out.

The reason I switched from paper to digi is the same as you- I can squeeze it in when I have time, no muss, no fuss, and *no* cleanup!!


Well-Known Member
:welcome: Glad to have you back here at the O!!! and I see you have gotten your post count up to 15...if you need help with anything...just yell....we can always post a layout from the gallery to a thread for you!!

Glad you jumping into the challenges too!!


Well-Known Member
HELP!!!!!!!!! *this is me yelling!!!* :hurt:

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to upload the pictures to my gallery. I feel silly, because I uploaded a ton of stuff to *A* gallery, but they aren't showing up?!?!? :doh: I promise I'm not completely computer stupid!

I realize to upload to MY gallery, I have to fill out that form...easy peasy...but then the files are 'too big'. Okay. So: What do I do to make them smaller?

Are you guys uploading them from your computer or from a site like photobucket?

I usually do my pages 12 x 12 at 300 res, saved at High Quality. So I know they're WAY bigger than the 250 kb allowed (read that somewhere on that upload page, but it doesn't mean much to me. LOL!)

So Do you save your pages at a smaller res while in PS or what? How do I make my pages smaller to upload them without making the quality "not good quality"???

ANY help would be SO appreciated!!! :wave:

I gotta run, but I'l be back later this afternoon.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like you are using Photoshop or Photoshop Elements. Here's what I originally did. When I want to upload, I go to "File - Save for Web". Then I resize the pixels to 600 x 600 and put the quality at Very High, not maximum. I check the size down at the bottom and make sure it's less than 250. Then I save the image. This is not the quality I would use to print my layouts with. I would print those at a much high quality and resolution.

If you want to make it easier, Paint the Moon has a Resize for Web action in the shop that works really well. It boosts the color and the sharpness since those get a little washed out when you reduce the file for web size.

I'll be back with a screen shot to make this easier to understand!
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Well-Known Member
So....I am using PSE 6 on a Mac. But the concept should be the similar in different versions. This is under "Save for Web" remember, not just normal "Save". If your file size ends up too big, you can reduce your photo size by 5 pixels or so. I do that sometimes until I get to just under 250. You could also reduce the quality to High instead of Very High, but I'd rather have it a touch smaller than reduce the quality all together.

The other thing you may need to do is have an admin here clear out your gallery cache. You may have stuff sitting there clogging up your uploads. I can't do that, but we can certainly get someone here to do it. :)



I lOve Me Some O!
So glad you are here & getting involved!! Loving your pages too, I just need to get commenting!!! :D

Welcome here again!!