
Hi from NE WI

Hi! My name is Christine. I am from Green Bay, WI. For me, scrapbooking is more than just a hobby. It's the best way I know how to keep my mind off my troubles and focus my attention on all the blessings I have in my life.
Hi Christine,

I'm new here to so welcome to a fellow newbie! I have just started scrapbooking digitally in the last month or so and love it. I still create layouts the traditional way and will be incorporating much of what I do in Photoshop with them in a hybrid layout, but there is nothing like creating from scratch so to speak.



ONA - Administrator
Hi Christine and welcome to the O! Look forward to seeing some of you LO's in the gallery!!


back hOme and loving it
Hi Christine ! welcome to the O !
I totally hear you in what you say about what scrapbooking brings to you ...


The Loopy-O
ITA- there have been some LO's I have done that I could have paid myself for Therapy!

So glad that you are with us at the O!


Well-Known Member
Christine...welcome to the O! Are you a Packer fan? (I'm sure you couldn't admit if you weren't, living in Green Bay. :)

Love your reasons for scrapping. I think that several of us share them as the reasons that we scrap.