
Hey everyone!!


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,
My name is Micheline Martin and I'm so happy to announce that I'm the new designer at O :D
I'm a 26 year old work at home mom(I own my own daycare) of 2 precious kiddo's, My son logan who is 3 and My daughter Mystaya (pronouced Mist-a-ya)who is 5.
I've been designing for almost 4 years now and am so happy to be here!
OH and if you see alot of spelling errors in my post, I'm really sorry my first language isn't english it's french :)
Now time to cement my behind to my puter chair and get to know you all better!!!


The Loopy-O
Yay!!! We are so glad that you are here!!!
I love your O-Flair! Too cool!

And don't worry about spelling, my first language *is* English and I have more typos than anyone- even using spell check hahahahaha!!!