
Help :)


The Loopy-O
And to tag onto Clara and to clarify what I said just before, if you are going to lose your mind if you don;t use formula once in a while it is OK!! You have to do what is bets for you and your little girl. If you are stressed, you milk production is not goign to be at its best. And I think babies get mama's "vibes"- if your stressed they baby is def. going to have a harder time latching on and settling down.

Deep breaths!! bets advice :D


always chatty at the O!!
Oh...pacifiers do help with BFing a lot of times too. Helps with their sucking reflex when they have trouble sucking and works up their jaw muscles.

Thanks Chris. I don't really know everything but I do listen to a lot of people and took a long time to realize that nobody is right or wrong and there are a lot of answers. So listen to a lot of people but don't take anything too seriously. I try not to be a fanatic either way about anything...and I did work on a mother baby ward when I was in the military so I do know a little bit. If you do have any specific questions about after birth especially things in the first few days feel free to send me a PM.


Well-Known Member
I have to comment here on the breastfeeding too :) I'm another breastfeeding advocate... I made up my mind before I ever had my daughter that I was going to breastfeed no matter. I really thought it would be so easy. Well, it wasn't... I didn't have milk issues either - I had plenty LOL. I cried ALOT. I struggled every single time I tried to feed her and I felt like she was never getting enough. I was up every two hours on the dot and I let her use me for her paci. I remember being home, about 10am and I felt like I had been trying to nurse all morning and she would only latch on for a few minutes and then pull off and we both cried. and cried. and CRIED. I called my local lactation clinic (good idea to look up this number and call them now so you have the correct number to call with questions). Anyways I was bawling, they had no openings but they saw me anyways. They were so kind and caring and helpful.. Showed me different ways to position her and helped me know what a good latch is. They also weighed her before she ate and after and even though she only ate for 5 minutes on each side she was getting PLENTY of milk. It took me another 3-4 weeks until we got it down. It was bout 6 weeks old that it really clicked and from then on it was a breeze. There was a time that I even went out and bought a bunch of bottles to try and feed her that way w/ my milk. Then the next day I tossed them all (well gave away) and made another go for it. We got it and it was a beautiful experience. I nursed until she self weaned at 18 months and I wouldn't trade the sleepless nights and lack of alcohol (lol) for anything. I loved being able to soothe her, loved her falling asleep in my arms, loved the bonding and just loved everything about it. But mind you I'm a hippie at heart and always envisioned this is what I would do.

On the pumping... I totally pumped before I went into labor. I heard that could help move things around so I did and it was uncomfortable but not too bad. I took her to work with me for 5 months and after that I pumped every day while she was at daycare so she still always had my milk. I worked really hard so she wouldn't have formula. That was what I planned and who knows maybe part of it was the guilt of me having to work and that's why I wanted so bad to nurse. More than once I thought at least she'll know her mommy is the one that feeds her from the breast. In hindsight I'm sure she knew that LOL but that thought was comforting to me.

I had my membranes stripped. It wasn't bad but maybe I have a high tolerance. I was a week late, then they found she was in distress. So don't take the stress test appointments lightly. They sent me right to the hospital, no going home, no waiting for hubby, had to right over. They started pitocin immediately. I planned to go all natural and after 15 hours I had an epidural. Epidurals are like breastfeeding in a way - if you planned to not have it and you end up getting it don't be ashamed or feel any less of a woman or a mother. She was born 24 hours after pitocin (she wouldn't decend for like 4 hours and it was too late for a c-section). My midwife was unable to deliver as planned due to the complications. I had an awesome doctor come in who used forceps. got her out without a mark on her and she had her umbilical cord wrapped around her neck - twice. She was grayish but healthy.

Birth for me was totally not what I expected. I remember laughing with my mom about my birth plan LOL. I had it all planned out to a tee on how everything would go.. ha, ha it went nothing like I planned and we all laugh about it now.

Ok, now that I've wrote a novel I'll stop LOL.

Google kelly breastfeeding. they had a lot of good info on there.
:) It's going to be amazing kayleigh!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh and remember - our bodies were totally made to do this. Made to tolerate the pain and uncomfort, made to give birth, made to nurture and care. It's soo cool... you'll see what I mean LOL so hard to describe in words but pretty soon you'll have this crazy understanding of it all... amazing and can't wait to see her pictures!


Well-Known Member
Molly, you make me smile =] I completely adore you! Thank you!

OKKKKKKKK, I AM LOSING MY MIND!!!!!!!!!! I am so ancy so hyper going crazy. We have a wind chill of 0 so I can't go for a walk. I feel like I want to eat EVERYTHING! I keep going in and looking at all the pudding cups in the fridge going "no no no no don't do it!" ahhhhhh. I wish this would just happen already!


The Loopy-O
Molly- you rock!!!! Great advice on BF-ing. I had both of my kids in different hospitals and the one was not BF-friendly- No help with it at all from the nurses. Scott had severe jaundice and was under the bili-lights and they had him on formula for feedings (wish I knew then I should have fought that). I had a devil of of time when we were home getting him to latch on correctly, and try different "holds."
Caitlyn-- different hospital- and i was able to have a lactation consultant see me on both days. What a difference! Cait was a very good nurser. Its weird to think that I stuck with nursing Scott for so long and he was so difficult. Cait I gave it up so quickly and she was the easy one LOL
But-- and I am glad that this reminded me-- I had other issues after Cait was born.

I had a really bad, severe case of Postpartum Depression. I wasn't expecting it, and it hit hard and fast. By 3-4 weeks Postpartum I was incapable of anything other that trying to feed and change her. Scott was just 2 and he lived on cheese and crackers. I was in 100% panic mode- couldn't sleep, all I did was cry and pace. I was suicidal- couldn't drive past a telephone pole w/o wondering what it would feel like. Thankfully I had the kids almost always with me and I would never have put them in danger. After a couple of months, I was able to get on meds and into therapy, which helped so much. I also found an online support group which probably saved my life.

I am not telling you any of this to scare you, but to let you know to be aware ahead of time. My OB/GYN was no help- when I called to say I was having trouble, she said my hormones were out of wack and put my on BCP's. Then she proceeded to warn me that the are not effective for the first month and to use back-up protection. I guess she didn't get that when I told her I feeling so badly that there was no sex going on- I stayed up all night trying to figure out ways to kill gary! I also had OCD kick in and I couldn't fall asleep at all unless I did my "Fire Escape Plan" (over and over in my head!).

What I usually suggest to new moms is to print out a list of PPD symptoms, and give it to your SO. Then put it out of your head and not worry about it. If DH seesn any of the signs, he can talk to you or your dr.
Hopefully none of this will be necessary, but it is good to have someone close to you be aware.

As for the antsy-ness- I decided to rearrange my kitchen cabinets right before I had Scott. gary found me standing on the counters, stuck. I was able to get up, but I couldn't get back down! :rofl:
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always chatty at the O!!
Oh...i totally forgot when you mentioned pre-pumping...that can help induce labor. pump girl pump.

And to touch on what Molly said about the birthing plan...like she said it is just that, simply a beginning plan and a place to start. Your baby will decide what is actually going to happen, not you. My first also had some issues and had to be vaccuumed out. I had an amazing doctor who was very calm and I had very little idea there was that much concern. My husband didn't get to cut the cord and I didn't get to hold my baby right away but did get to watch him. He was the absolute ugliest thing I had ever seen and we now make jokes about that, but his color evened out quickly. If you think your baby looks like an alien or some other weird thing, even if beautiful, it is all good. I always thought Ethan looked like ET. But I think all newborns look like aliens or old people.

Also...to help with going into labor...you have some pressure points on your hands and feet...On your feet I believe it is on the inside of your ankle around the bottom of your fibula or where the bump is. And on your hand I think it is in the fleshy part between your thumb and first finger. see if you can get someone to rub your hands and feet for you and double check that online.


Well-Known Member
I'm a total control freak, but when my friends asked me if I was making a birth plan I just laughed. I knew from the start that I wasn't going to be able to control this situation. I'm sure if I would of stayed in Reno with my original insurance and doctor then I would have had a little more control but unfortunately I left all that.

I'm going to start pumping today and to kind of prepare. We'll see how that goes. =/


Well-Known Member
Getting a manicure is nice too :) That way when you do go into labor your hands will look so nice in all those new baby pics. Plus it gives you something to do while you wait :)


Well-Known Member
Didn't read everything, but the manicure what Molly is writing is totally a good idea.
Such as if you are coloring your hair, you also have to do that befor birht. And ofcourse if needed to get your hair cut LOL

I had 2 c-sections. I took my ow manicure(little)set with me to the hospital. My nails looked awesome those few days LOL

And be aware, if the little one is born, you will walk around allmost the whole time with clothes that have a stain on it from your baby. either way, from drooling or from milk LOL


Well-Known Member
Oooh babies are so much fun. I miss mine being so little. My favorite part was going to restraunts and them being so nice and quiet and immobile in their car seats! And the baby smell. Best smell in the world! You will do fine. Your mommy instincts will kick in. Everyone has given you great advice!

"sleep in the hospital as much as possible," I have to warn you, a nurse will be in your room taking your vitals several times a night, so sleep when you can!

"Also not all babies like the same style nipple- so try to have a few different styles of pacifiers and bottles on hand" This is soooo true. I went through several different types of nipples with mine. I have 3 children and they all used different bottles. Not a one of them wanted to BF. I tried and even had a BF expert in to help me. They wanted no part of it. I am actually glad I didn't BF because the hubby was able to feed the babies in the middle of the night as well.

"I just did a little research on the "stripping membranes" --My doc did this for me for my third baby and I was back at the hospital having him the next day. It didn't really hurt, it was just very uncomfortable. I don't think I was dialated either. I was 1 week past my due date at the time. I say trust your doctor. You may have the baby without having to be induced.


Well-Known Member
"Oh...i totally forgot when you mentioned pre-pumping...that can help induce labor. pump girl pump."--They say sex can help too!!! It's worth a try! I walked every day for a week before I had my third. I have no idea if it helped though!

Oh, big tip. Make sure you eat before you go into the hospital if you can. You get nothing to eat for hours after you have the baby and by the time you are through labor, you are starving! I had a friend that made her husband take her to BK on the way to the Hospital, though that's a bit extreme! Made for a great story though!

Diaper bag: Make sure you always have extra spit up rags and an extra outfit with you just in case! It is actually a good idea to just leave an extra outfit in the car all the way up to age 4! There were so many times when my youngest had accidents and we had to run to Walmart or wherever to pick up a clean outfit for him.

No matter how cute it is, Try not to let your baby suck her thumb or fingers. We learned this the hard way. It is so bad for their teeth and very hard to get them to quit when they're older. Passifiers are much better for their mouths and you can take away the passy. You can't take away a finger. A lot of children who such their thumbs will have to wear a roof extender in their mouth when they're older- a metal piece that goes in the top of their mouth that you have to turn a key every day to expand the roof of your mouth. It is very uncomfortable. I had to wear one.

It looks like you have tons of support! You'll be a natural. Just do what you feel is right! Babies are such wonderful gifts. Enjoy every minute of it, because like everyone says (and we usually don't listen) it goes by so fast.


lOve the O!
okay - lots of wonderful advice - I recommend you go to this website and download your own copy of Tummy Time Back to sleep is important, but so is tummy time and this is by far the best resource I have found- I give it to all the parents who come in with babies that only look one way or have developed a flat spot on their head. Totally practical guide!