
Hello from Germany


Well-Known Member

I'm Susanne from Germany (*sorry about my English...*), I am married and have 3 boys.
We live in the South of Germany, near Stuttgart.
I love to shop at oscraps :nod: and would like to start the 52 inspirations-project for 2011, so it was time to register to the forum...:clap2:
I'm very happy to be here!
Hi HI Susanne!!! No worries about the English. There are so many people here from everywhere :D Hope you'll love the O!!!
So glad you're here! It's great to see so many new faces in the 52 Inspirations area!

Hope you can dive into the forum! Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need anything.
Thank you very much!:flypig:
I think I will like it here!

I bought the 52 inspirations subscriptions and I'm ready to start!:rapture:
I'm so excited to do this project in 2011!
Hi Susanne! Welcome to Oscraps! I'm looking forward to see your pages with the 52 inspirations!